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Re^2: Who is this Nodereaper??

by j3 (Friar)
on Apr 15, 2007 at 19:10 UTC ( [id://610217]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Who is this Nodereaper??
in thread Who is this Nodereaper??

From that node you linked to:

[NodeReaper] places a link to a location where you can visit the old node and the reason it was considered for deletion if one was provided. He also /msg's the owner of the node telling them what has occurred.

Oh my. I just had a chill run down the back of my neck!

I've heard whispers in the halls of the Monastery that, at midnight, every halloween night, a lone wraithlike cron task rouses the NodeReaper out of his pallid slumber to /msg a number of randomly-chosen monks, thus causing them to age by one year and to get ten new gray hairs (gray hairs replace non-grays, hair locations chosen at random, please allow 4 to 6 weeks for hairs to arrive, offer not valid in Alaska and Hawaii).

Now, what would be funny is if he accidentally /msg'd the Vote Fairy. That guy's got a chip on his shoulder (since everyone assumes he's a she) and he doesn't take any shenanigans from anybody -- corporeal or not!

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Node Type: note [id://610217]
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