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Re^2: Code Readability. Break Rule Number 5?

by robot_tourist (Hermit)
on Apr 19, 2007 at 21:02 UTC ( [id://611034]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Code Readability. Break Rule Number 5?
in thread Code Readability. Break Rule Number 5?

Sure those glyphs exist, but I can't find them on my keyboard

Yeah, Apple took the octothorpe off my MacBook keyboard. It took me a few minutes to find the <ALT>+3 keystroke. If they could print the € beside the @ sign, they could print the # beside the £.

How can you feel when you're made of steel? I am made of steel. I am the Robot Tourist.
Robot Tourist, by Ten Benson

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