This seems to be the same idea as the UNIX tool split.
Which, by the way, as a pure Perl implementation
in the Perl Power Tools project.
Um... This seems rather awkward:
if($chunk_size=~/(\d+)([mMgG])/) {
my $numb=$1;
my $tp=$2;
SW: {
($tp eq "g" || $tp eq "G") && do {
last SW;
($tp eq "m" || $tp eq "M") && do {
last SW;
else {
I think the following would be bit more natural:
if ( $chunk_size =~ /(\d+)g/i )
$size = $1 * 1024*1024*1024;
elsif ( $chunk_size =~ /(\d+)m/i )
$size = $1 * 1024*1024;
$size = $chunk_size;
Of course, it could be further succinctified:
$size = $chunk_size =~ /(\d+)g/i ? $1 * 1024*1024*1024 :
$chunk_size =~ /(\d+)m/i ? $1 * 1024*1024 :
$chunk_size =~ /(\d+)k/i ? $1 * 1024 : # easy additio
A word spoken in Mind will reach its own level, in the objective world, by its own weight