in reply to finding number of contiguous letters

The while loop worked fine with substring.
$in_string = "supercalifragic" $str_length = length($in_string); $stop_loop_num = $str_length - 2; $temp_counter = 0; while ( $temp_counter < $stop_loop_num ) { $three_chars = substr($in_string); push @str_elements, $three_chars; $temp_counter++; }

While it's functional, I'm certain there is a better way and I'm always striving to learn!

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Re^2: finding number of contiguous letters
by blazar (Canon) on May 23, 2007 at 09:48 UTC
    The while loop worked fine with substring.

    no need for such a complex route when using substr; map is your friend:

    my @parts = map { substr $str, $_, 3 } 0..length($str)-3;