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Re^2: Two questions about HTML::Template

by bradcathey (Prior)
on Jun 10, 2007 at 00:49 UTC ( [id://620230]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Two questions about HTML::Template
in thread Two questions about HTML::Template

I use CGI::Application and for the edification of like-minded folks, here's what I came up with (basically an array of paths, the 2nd one used for site-specific tmpls):

#instance script passes in PARAMS which is also the directory with sit +e specific .tmpls my $site = $self->param('name_of_site'); $self->param('project' => '/usr/home/somedomain/ecomm/'); $self->param('tmpl_path' => [ $self->param('project_').'tmpls/', $self->param('project_path').'tmpls/ +includes/'.$self->param('site') ]);

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