So, what you are saying is that I can take something like this:
$_pageOfContent = qq~
Hello my name is so and so, and I really recommend this website becaus
+e I think it has some really cool ideas, you can find it at the websi
+te located on and also on this other one here ht
Thank you much,
$_pageOfContent = make_URL_href($_pageOfContent);
# Now $_pageOfContent will have this content:
#Hello my name is so and so, and I really recommend this #website beca
+use I think it has some really cool ideas, #you can find it at the we
+bsite located on
#<a href=""></a> #and also on
+this other one here
#<a href=""></a>.
#Thank you much,
sub make_URL_href($){
my( $url ) = @_;
if( $url !~
s{^(http:[-\w/#~:.+=&%@!]+)(\?.*)$}{<a href="$1$2">$1</a>}i ){
$url = "<a href=\"$url\">$url</a>";
return $url;
Is that right?
thank you.