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by goibhniu (Hermit)
on Aug 13, 2007 at 22:35 UTC ( [id://632330]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

WoooHooo! I get a picture. This is a picture I've used many times just becasue I like it. It's one of the FUJAIRAH PETROGLYPHS (United Arabe Emirates) and it's just cool to me, though maybe here I oughtta use this one, since it's a dromadary.

I'm currently learning from: Ikegami's Mini Tutorials

Past readings:

My first hard lesson as a monk: #!/usr/bin/perl -w is not the same as use warnings;. Thanks to BrowserUK in an embarrassing post by me.

My next lesson - RTF-FAQ. I actually asked:

goibhniu 2007-08-17 13:33:04 UTC I just made Novice, but can' tfind the voting buttons. Where should I look?
in the chatterbox without looking in the FAQ for I just became a Novice; Why can't I vote yet?

My first JAPH:

@ca=(sub{@kp=split(//,shift);$c=shift;$p2{' '}=' ';$C2{' '}=' ';foreac +h(@kp, 'a'..'z'){if(!exists $p2{$_}){$k=chr(ord('A')+(($a++)+$c)%26);$p2{$_}= +$k; $C2{$k}=$_;}}},sub{$t=shift;$h=shift;foreach(split(//,$t)){$r=$r.($$h{ +$_});} return $r;});$ca[0]->('thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydogs',10);print + $ca[1]->('ZOCK FWUKLMT BMTE LFQR',\%C2)."\n";

I first picked Goibhniu as a pseudonym when joining the American Cryptogram Association. These puzzles inspired and continue to inspire Perl programs that I use as tools and aids. Perl could probably just solve them, but what's the fun in that? I continue to have fun striking that delicate balance between writing more powerful tools and still leaving enough puzzle for me to have fun working on with my own brain.

Goibhniu was the Smith to the Tuath De Danann in Irish mythology. I have a Scotch/Irish heritage and my family name is Scottish, Gowing, and related to the word Smith, Gobha, so when I learned of Goibhniu, I felt I was his kin. Sadly it's difficult to establish a tartan for a Gowing these days as nearly every clan had a Smith. Today I do bit-smithing for some Corporation (the modern Clan?) and have no tartan of my own.

In addition, Goibhniu brewed the mead that gave the Tuath De Danann immortality. Family name, metaphorically similar profession, and he drinks - what's not to like?

Wikipedia article on Goibniu

I can't believe I did this.

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