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These nodes all have stuff by jettero (showing 1-10 out of ~1032?):

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Node ID Writeup Created
764247 JETTERO tries to take over Net::IMAP::Simple on PAUSE 2009-05-15 11:31
602051 Re: Make a variable safe for a regex. 2007-02-25 21:56
595771 The State of Parallel Computing in perl 2007? 2007-01-21 15:20
602005 Concerning Single Sign-on, Bitcard (TypeKey), and OpenID 2007-02-25 15:21
589279 Identity Based Encryption using Pairings and Crypt::PBC 2006-12-12 14:11
778395 Re: What is it I don't understand about perl scoping? 2009-07-08 20:06
340381 CPAN Favorites 2004-03-28 12:58
602607 Re: Parsing a specific section of a log file 2007-02-28 21:49
600642 Application Distribution (modules, cpan, etc) 2007-02-17 22:18
342027 CPAN non-root questions 2004-04-02 16:41
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