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These nodes all have stuff by BaldPenguin (showing 1-50 out of ~112?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
614231 Re^2: Running JavaScript in perl by proxy 2007-05-08 19:52
614193 Running JavaScript in perl by proxy 2007-05-08 16:55
600012 Converting Pixels to LatLong 2007-02-14 17:58
593797 Re: Adding into a users crontab 2007-01-09 21:44
593645 Re^4: Subtracting and Comparing Two Dates 2007-01-08 23:18
593643 Re^2: Subtracting and Comparing Two Dates 2007-01-08 23:03
593639 Re: Subtracting and Comparing Two Dates 2007-01-08 22:54
593588 Re: Seeking Getopt recommendations - anyone used Getopt::Easy? 2007-01-08 18:25
592993 Reading Raw data in CGI::Application 2007-01-04 18:43
587030 Re^9: Openning XML in Excel using CGI 2006-11-30 18:51
586976 Re^7: Openning XML in Excel using CGI 2006-11-30 15:48
586834 Re^5: Openning XML in Excel using CGI 2006-11-29 22:39
586758 Re^3: Openning XML in Excel using CGI 2006-11-29 17:44
586740 Re: Openning XML in Excel using CGI 2006-11-29 16:38
585578 Re^2: Lost query in CGI::App::FastCGI on POST 2006-11-22 18:01
585342 Re^2: OO mode plain text 2006-11-21 19:54
585335 Lost query in CGI::App::FastCGI on POST 2006-11-21 19:30
585007 Re: Looking for opinions: what's the best module for parsing RSS? 2006-11-20 03:50
585005 Re: Hmmm why does XML::RSS::Parser choke on PM RSS feed? 2006-11-20 03:39
585004 Re^2: XML::RSS and RSS2 with custom namespaces 2006-11-20 03:32
584542 Re: Assigning a value from JavaScript onSubmit in CGI 2006-11-16 17:57
584317 Re^2: XML::RSS and RSS2 with custom namespaces 2006-11-15 22:35
584308 Re^2: XML::RSS and RSS2 with custom namespaces 2006-11-15 21:55
584285 XML::RSS and RSS2 with custom namespaces 2006-11-15 20:37
584215 Re: Can Perl be more than a hobby language? 2006-11-15 17:06
583275 Re: yast vs cpan 2006-11-10 01:01
582981 Re: CGI table problems 2006-11-08 22:30
582184 XML::RSS::Headline::PerlMonks 0.1 Released 2006-11-03 22:28
579196 Re: Perl IDE 2006-10-18 20:12
562972 Re^2: Who would win in a swordfight? 2006-07-21 22:53
553096 Re: Howto set path for local package in a Perl code 2006-06-01 17:26
548904 Re: My favorite monk is 2006-05-12 05:04
523878 Re: I prefer this kind of clock or watch: 2006-01-18 02:06
521121 Re: selectall_hashref 2006-01-05 06:32
521116 Re: Webhost Recommendations 2006-01-05 06:17
520665 Re^3: CDATA in an XML file for parsing. 2006-01-03 17:05
520460 Re: CDATA in an XML file for parsing. 2006-01-02 21:46
518632 Soap::Lite and Complex Types 2005-12-22 21:26
511009 Re: Randal Schwartz (a.k.a. Merlyn) Birthday! 2005-11-23 06:00
509966 Re: Informal Poll: why aren't you using traits? 2005-11-18 21:41
509897 Re^2: Check for next array element. 2005-11-18 18:47
509891 Re: How do I validate a date? 2005-11-18 18:14
509318 Helpers Vs. Hurters 2005-11-17 07:10
497771 Re: bloated 'if' formatting 2005-10-05 22:49
494244 Re: perl in asp on linux 2005-09-22 18:36
492630 Re^5: Sending email in perl 2005-09-16 14:46
489693 Re: Why downvote nodes without commenting on them? 2005-09-06 21:39
488479 Re: Perl 6 - Operator renaming 2005-09-01 19:59
487891 Re: Sorting an array of records 2005-08-30 18:21
487037 Re: Packing Program 2005-08-26 21:14
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