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These nodes all have stuff by BastardOperator (showing 1-50 out of ~62?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
107432 Re: sourcing 2001-08-23 22:03
42515 Re: Re: What is a Junior Perl Programmer? 2000-11-20 20:19
42044 Re: Re: fortune 2000-11-17 00:09
41967 fortune 2000-11-16 18:49
41932 Re: RE: Credit where it is due 2000-11-16 06:04
41931 Re: Re: RE: Is this system call hazardous for my computers health?? 2000-11-16 05:56
41824 RE: Credit where it is due 2000-11-15 22:40
41802 RE: Is this system call hazardous for my computers health?? 2000-11-15 21:30
41324 RE: RE (tilly) 1: Java vs. Perl from the CB 2000-11-13 19:58
41154 RE: Perl/XML/MySQL 2000-11-12 08:47
40728 RE: PERL memory leak? 2000-11-09 19:34
39853 RE: RE: XML to CGI form 2000-11-03 21:06
39836 XML to CGI form 2000-11-03 19:50
39535 RE: Print to a printer 2000-11-02 03:08
38645 Book review on Slashdot by chromatic 2000-10-26 19:44
38045 OT: Re: Variable variable names 2000-10-24 02:37
37925 RE: Re: expect users to program or define a simple definition language? 2000-10-23 19:44
37903 expect users to program or define a simple definition language? 2000-10-23 17:55
37850 RE: RE: Re: Can Perl dialup? 2000-10-22 23:18
37672 cksec 2000-10-20 18:21
37651 Re: Can Perl dialup? 2000-10-20 16:38
37317 RE: Re: Something is wrong and I don'tkow what 2000-10-18 16:50
37090 RE: Monks' Maps! 2000-10-17 07:44
36658 RE: RE: Answer: How do I import Unix Specific Environment Var into CGI/Perl shell? 2000-10-14 00:29
34727 Re: Sending EHLO extension commands to an SMTP server? 2000-09-30 08:28
34425 Interfacing with menus 2000-09-28 20:27
34184 Re: Timeout problem using IO::Socket 2000-09-27 16:53
34023 RE: RE: RE: RE: Answer: How do I get all the permission flags on a file? 2000-09-26 19:17
34006 RE: RE: Answer: How do I get all the permission flags on a file? 2000-09-26 17:00
33958 Re: How do I get all the permission flags on a file? 2000-09-26 00:32
33919 Re: How can I determine the size of a file? 2000-09-25 19:55
33636 Re: Need help with regex 2000-09-22 18:34
33551 Need help with regex 2000-09-21 23:42
32847 RE: RE: Re: Create a file with Perl 2000-09-17 06:20
32845 Re: Create a file with Perl 2000-09-17 05:55
32815 Re: grabbing N lines after matching one? 2000-09-16 20:55
32676 RE: Re: need help with search and replace 2000-09-15 18:32
32401 RE: Re: Perl secrets 2000-09-14 04:08
32398 Perl secrets 2000-09-14 03:44
32367 Re: Single-machine IPC via sockets and other things to say in the dark 2000-09-14 01:25
32340 RE: strict 2000-09-13 23:45
32330 RE: RE: (jcwren) RE: Oh, this wonderful place 2000-09-13 23:15
32295 Oh, this wonderful place 2000-09-13 20:36
32159 RE: Re: help on searching a file 2000-09-12 22:54
32093 RE: Re: populate a hash, with limits set by user? 2000-09-12 16:38
32047 Re: populate a hash, with limits set by user? 2000-09-12 05:38
32041 Re: Net::Ping not working 2000-09-12 04:44
32039 RE: Re: Parsing log files 2000-09-12 04:35
32036 Re: Date format question 2000-09-12 04:23
31892 RE: RE: Adding 2 + 2 2000-09-11 19:09
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