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These nodes all have stuff by Baz (showing 1-50 out of ~152?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
952320 ActivePerl and ASP Classic 2012-02-07 18:14
874568 Re^4: Play audio on a web page 2010-11-30 20:54
812761 Re^7: Wierd behaviour with HTML::Entities::decode_entities() 2009-12-14 19:05
812391 Re: Unicode for Perl EPIC 2009-12-11 15:26
488814 Re^2: sorting return from 2005-09-02 23:19
487278 Debugging script with long exec time 2005-08-28 18:41
476149 Re^3: Font question regarding 2005-07-19 15:31
476134 Re^2: Font question regarding 2005-07-19 14:46
476085 Font question regarding 2005-07-19 13:40
465341 Re^2: Getting a webpage through proxy 2005-06-09 22:08
458460 Re^2: Script dieing after arbitrary time 2005-05-18 22:44
458455 Re^2: The cutest Perl6 marsupial mascot would be... 2005-05-18 22:24
458415 Script dieing after arbitrary time 2005-05-18 19:55
442696 Re: Handling params from Javascript's encodeURIComponent function 2005-03-27 20:40
419000 How to make a thumbnail version of your PNG image 2005-01-03 18:13
418690 Re^4: Avoiding the == blues 2005-01-01 20:25
402044 Re^2: qq function with variables 2004-10-24 15:55
402042 qq function with variables 2004-10-24 15:49
393851 Re^2: Passing unicode via html forms 2004-09-25 20:56
393790 Re^2: String to UTF-8 2004-09-25 14:03
390326 Error: Can't locate object method "host" via package "URI::_generic" 2004-09-11 22:05
384953 Re^2: Using TokeParser with embedded tags 2004-08-22 17:18
339426 Re: Re: Tables and 2004-03-24 15:18
339388 Tables and 2004-03-24 13:35
339206 Re: Re: Filling table with hash values 2004-03-23 21:26
339130 Filling table with hash values 2004-03-23 19:21
332690 Orthography Translation using Regex 2004-02-29 20:18
318204 Executing a Script to Completion 2004-01-02 00:42
317969 Processing a log file 2003-12-31 18:44
317760 Re: Re: using fetchrow_hashref 2003-12-30 19:55
317758 Re: Re^4: If Statement 2003-12-30 19:50
317752 using fetchrow_hashref 2003-12-30 19:39
302372 Closest matches from string array 2003-10-27 12:08
250049 Making a match 2003-04-12 12:36
248435 use of uninitialized values 2003-04-06 14:09
248431 Re: Re: iterating through a 2 dimensional hash 2003-04-06 13:16
248426 iterating through a 2 dimensional hash 2003-04-06 12:57
243379 Re: Re: ascii art trouble 2003-03-16 00:09
243368 Re: Re: ascii art trouble 2003-03-15 23:42
243366 ascii art trouble 2003-03-15 23:30
231461 Re: Re: Re: Match number with commas 2003-01-30 22:13
210239 If Statement 2002-11-04 18:38
195915 Character++ 2002-09-07 22:45
195225 Re: Re: Trouble Caching an Image 2002-09-04 22:05
195214 Re: Re: Trouble Caching an Image 2002-09-04 21:20
195204 Trouble Caching an Image 2002-09-04 21:00
194421 Re: Re: Scaling the values in a document 2002-09-01 02:48
194410 Re: Re: Scaling the values in a document 2002-09-01 01:58
194408 Scaling the values in a document 2002-09-01 01:40
194346 Re: Voting script using MySQL and DBI 2002-08-31 15:42
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