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These nodes all have stuff by BigAl (showing 1-10 out of ~10?):

Node ID Writeup Created
751395 Parrot 1.0 "Haru Tatsu" Released 2009-03-18 08:38
637869 Re^12: Slow evolution of Perl = Perl is a closed Word 2007-09-08 21:20
622153 Parrot 0.4.13 "Clifton" Released 2007-06-20 00:07
581435 The future is futures 2006-10-31 07:15
581428 Re^3: Parrot, threads & fears for the future. 2006-10-31 06:48
581426 Re^8: Parrot, threads & fears for the future. (GC speed) 2006-10-31 06:36
156504 Re: With Fear and Wonder 2002-04-04 00:16
137147 Re: Re: The Quest for the Holy Grail...erm...Book 2002-01-08 19:18
137135 Re: Re: The Quest for the Holy Grail...erm...Book 2002-01-08 18:43
137016 The Quest for the Holy Grail...erm...Book 2002-01-08 05:01
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