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These nodes all have stuff by Popcorn Dave (showing 1-50 out of ~670?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
948816 ptkdb module using Tkx? 2012-01-19 16:47
933409 Re: Learning with someone 2011-10-24 13:56
898183 Re^2: Spliting a delimited string into variables 2011-04-07 20:03
896991 Re: What's a good IDE to use for writing Perl? 2011-04-01 20:34
896989 Re: probably stupid mistake 2011-04-01 20:26
896311 Re: I need help about MP3::Tag and perl script. 2011-03-30 01:54
831068 Re: The code I'm most proud of is: 2010-03-26 08:05
821673 Re^5: What level of existential comfort do you require? 2010-02-06 00:08
812915 Re: I hope to spend this Christmas: 2009-12-15 18:46
800495 Re^2: Perl REALLY stands for: 2009-10-11 04:42
787419 Re: Why do I get uninitialized value in substitution (s///) in my array? 2009-08-10 21:47
770823 Re^2: "Cleverness" from HOP 2009-06-12 03:30
770153 Re^2: Regex for zip files. 2009-06-10 01:11
768252 Re: If I wasn't a Programmer, what I'd like to do is... 2009-06-04 03:01
746718 Re^2: Redundant regex ([0-9]{2} | [0-9] {2, 4})? 2009-02-27 00:34
746692 Redundant regex ([0-9]{2} | [0-9] {2, 4})? 2009-02-26 22:35
734793 Re: HTML forms ... "whew!" Advice? 2009-01-08 03:20
731376 Re^2: Perl vs. Copyrighting smileys 2008-12-18 20:17
731027 Perl vs. Copyrighting smileys 2008-12-17 19:09
729214 Re^4: Hiding DOS windows that accompany TK 2008-12-09 17:07
729012 Re^2: Hiding DOS windows that accompany TK 2008-12-08 19:06
727213 Re^3: RFC: CGI::Uploader V 2.90_01 2008-12-01 20:43
725357 Re^3: My first computer was... 2008-11-22 21:43
724492 Re: Email beyond Domain 2008-11-19 07:05
722322 Perl TK docs site 2008-11-08 00:05
721232 Re^2: I would love a Perl API to control... 2008-11-03 22:35
714954 Re^3: constant variable using scaler variable 2008-10-02 06:15
714463 Re: Internal Server Error 2008-09-30 04:34
713069 Re: Using the contents of 2008-09-22 18:37
712949 Re: Of all the gin joints in all the universes in all of fiction, I had to walk into: 2008-09-22 06:29
712947 Using the contents of 2008-09-22 06:24
709595 Re^3: Programming is more like: 2008-09-07 03:29
705654 Re^3: Extracting information from a PDF file 2008-08-20 22:26
705615 Re: Extracting information from a PDF file 2008-08-20 20:31
705052 Re: How to group identical words? 2008-08-18 20:51
704637 Re: IDE for windows with remote linux dev site... 2008-08-15 23:48
704180 Re: problem related to project key counter 2008-08-13 19:12
702722 Re: Debugging a program 2008-08-06 19:56
699925 Re: Acme Enc 2008-07-24 16:43
699746 Re: Acme Enc 2008-07-24 02:07
699412 Re^2: Better keyboard-driven navigation, any? 2008-07-22 19:53
694852 Re: Parsing HTML 2008-06-30 23:30
694537 Re: How to find a file using perl 2008-06-28 19:54
694397 Ruby vs Perl 2008-06-27 17:17
692171 Re^2: Of the following Wizardly beings, which is most likely to be a regular Perl user? 2008-06-15 20:17
692104 Re^5: Do Mooses always want to face north? 2008-06-14 19:19
692100 Re^3: Mech and Javascript 2008-06-14 18:34
692099 Re^3: Do Mooses always want to face north? 2008-06-14 18:30
691353 Re^3: Working with source of returned web page 2008-06-10 22:48
691142 Re: Working with source of returned web page 2008-06-10 03:30
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