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These nodes all have stuff by Sifmole (showing 1-50 out of ~265?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
630872 Test Driven Development Resources 2007-08-06 18:05
598669 Re^2: Perl regex to POSIX 2007-02-07 02:21
598668 Re^2: Perl regex to POSIX 2007-02-07 02:14
598544 Re^2: Perl regex to POSIX 2007-02-06 14:07
598451 Perl regex to POSIX 2007-02-05 23:14
595722 SOAP::Lite, WSDL and the example 2007-01-21 04:18
551877 Adding Unit tests to the development cycle 2006-05-26 14:44
549079 Re^3: Money is not purpose of my life, but... 2006-05-12 18:06
549012 Re: Money is not purpose of my life, but... 2006-05-12 14:51
548534 Re^2: Apache CGi's 2006-05-10 18:20
546160 Unit testing -- module, book, and website suggestions wanted 2006-04-28 01:56
486661 LWP::UserAgent and Passphrase protected Certificates 2005-08-25 17:40
439467 Re^2: ing -- and a little confused 2005-03-14 21:57
439460 ing -- and a little confused 2005-03-14 21:39
437939 Re: WWW:::Mechanize and credentials 2005-03-09 16:09
437928 WWW:::Mechanize and credentials 2005-03-09 15:18
419948 Re^4: Greatest programming mistakes and what to learn from 2005-01-06 15:04
419635 Re^2: Greatest programming mistakes and what to learn from 2005-01-05 15:10
408619 Is there a library that provides an interface to SSL_CTX functions? 2004-11-17 22:06
370575 AUTOLOAD -- deprecated, in relation to inherited method/function 2004-06-29 18:51
369631 Re: SQL Advice::Which Tome? 2004-06-25 15:01
367342 Re: db -> HTML::Template abstraction abstraction -- level up! 2004-06-16 17:59
286738 Re: "input must be * bytes long" 2003-08-26 15:13
276896 Examine what is said, not who speaks." -- from BrowserUK's sig 2003-07-22 19:40
254255 Re: Web-based text editing 2003-04-30 12:14
247564 Re: Closing Perl Source 2003-04-02 19:07
231013 Re: CGI + netscape problems 2003-01-29 17:00
230746 Re: Re: Re: The Camel and the Panther 2003-01-28 20:56
230734 Re: The Camel and the Panther 2003-01-28 20:42
229696 Re: When does XML get to be too much? 2003-01-24 20:38
229421 Re: Insering into 2 tables? 2003-01-23 20:41
229420 Re: Re: Variable table 2003-01-23 20:34
224069 Re: Is XML the only generic layout system out there? 2003-01-03 18:18
224012 Re: GoodBye :-) 2003-01-03 13:49
223775 Re: Unable to get more than one line 2003-01-02 14:22
223474 Re: Re: CGI and why? 2002-12-31 21:20
223472 Re: Re: CGI and why? 2002-12-31 21:16
223462 CGI and why? 2002-12-31 20:59
223455 Re: To register or not 2 2002-12-31 20:47
223451 Re: To register or not 2 2002-12-31 20:42
220498 Re: Re: Re: Refactoring Redux... 2002-12-17 12:37
217796 Re: New Jersey PerlMonks untie()! 2002-12-05 16:12
217254 Re: My first thought was to build a macro... was I right? 2002-12-03 15:46
213734 Re: RFC: Template::YetAnother 2002-11-18 12:54
207373 Re: Review of first real code 2002-10-23 12:59
197052 Re: Re^2: On September 11 2002-09-11 19:25
191978 Re: Modules included more than once 2002-08-22 11:06
190459 Re: Re: Depth First Search and Boggle 2002-08-15 17:07
189748 Re: Re: (OT) Professional Employees: who owns your thoughts? 2002-08-13 12:00
189745 Re: Re: (OT) Professional Employees: who owns your thoughts? 2002-08-13 11:42
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