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These nodes all have stuff by Wassercrats (showing 1-50 out of ~472?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
545102 Re: O'reilly some sort of perl monopoly? 2006-04-23 00:25
400393 Re^3: Free Perl Books 2004-10-19 02:42
396086 Re^27: Perl 6 ... dead? (no, just convalescing) 2004-10-04 01:02
395998 Re^25: Perl 6 ... dead? (no, just convalescing) 2004-10-03 12:46
395961 Re^4: Fed Up 2004-10-03 03:07
395858 Re^11: Wassercrats: Why are you still here? 2004-10-02 08:32
395855 Re^13: Wassercrats: Why are you still here? 2004-10-02 08:26
395851 Re: Downvote for 2004-10-02 08:08
395828 Re^2: Fed Up 2004-10-02 05:32
395821 Re^2: Fed Up 2004-10-02 04:10
395816 Re^11: Wassercrats: Why are you still here? 2004-10-02 03:38
395814 Re^11:Wassercrats: Why are you still here? 2004-10-02 03:34
395560 Re^9: Wassercrats: Why are you still here? 2004-10-01 06:08
395552 Re^9: Wassercrats: Why are you still here? 2004-10-01 05:28
395321 Re^2: OT Windows Installers 2004-09-30 12:39
395243 Re^7: Wassercrats: Why are you still here? 2004-09-30 04:42
395227 Re^5: Wassercrats: Why are you still here? 2004-09-30 03:07
395222 Re^7: Wassercrats: Why are you still here? 2004-09-30 02:48
394882 Re^5: Wassercrats: Why are you still here? 2004-09-29 08:12
394840 Re^3: Wassercrats: Why are you still here? 2004-09-29 03:12
394831 Re: Wassercrats: Why are you still here? 2004-09-29 02:44
394526 Re^4: Abigail-II and some thoughts 2004-09-28 10:29
394063 Re^2: Abigail-II and some thoughts 2004-09-27 05:01
392526 Re^3: NodeReaper out of control 2004-09-20 22:49
392231 Re: NodeReaper out of control 2004-09-19 20:37
392151 Re^2: Button insecurity 2004-09-19 10:05
392147 Re^3: NodeReaper out of control 2004-09-19 09:31
392060 Re^2: Button insecurity 2004-09-18 22:40
392059 Re^3: NodeReaper out of control 2004-09-18 22:30
392029 Re^3: Button insecurity 2004-09-18 19:32
392021 Button insecurity 2004-09-18 19:06
392020 NodeReaper out of control 2004-09-18 18:58
391957 Re^2: Let's discuss diotalevi's home node button 2004-09-18 06:28
391948 Re^2: Let's discuss diotalevi's home node button 2004-09-18 04:18
391946 Re^2: Let's discuss diotalevi's home node button 2004-09-18 03:59
391636 Re: TinyPerl 2.0 and new SF site. 2004-09-17 01:44
391341 Re^9: Global variable vs passing variable from sub to sub 2004-09-16 01:57
391284 Re^7: Global variable vs passing variable from sub to sub 2004-09-15 20:28
391095 Re^2: VarStructor 2004-09-15 06:29
391066 Re^5: Global variable vs passing variable from sub to sub 2004-09-15 04:04
391049 Re^5: Global variable vs passing variable from sub to sub 2004-09-15 02:08
390985 Re^3: Global variable vs passing variable from sub to sub 2004-09-14 21:32
390767 Re: Global variable vs passing variable from sub to sub 2004-09-14 07:39
390502 Re^6: XP..... 2004-09-13 06:28
390236 Re^2: XP, page ranking, sponsored links and the fortune of PM 2004-09-11 04:34
390212 Re^2: Perl::Improved Volume 0, Number 0 2004-09-11 00:06
389194 Re^3: Monks, C/C++ edition? 2004-09-07 19:55
389193 Re^6: Perl::Improved Volume 0, Number 1 2004-09-07 19:45
389183 Re: Monks, C/C++ edition? 2004-09-07 19:18
388849 Re^7: Perl::Improved Volume 0, Number 1 2004-09-06 18:48
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