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These nodes all have stuff by Wookie (showing 1-23 out of ~23?):

Node ID Writeup Created
250539 Re: comment sections 2003-04-15 11:42
171808 Re: Problems with DBD::Sybase on Win2K 2002-06-05 12:26
168137 Re: Re: Problems with DBD::Sybase on Win2K 2002-05-21 14:39
168127 Problems with DBD::Sybase on Win2K 2002-05-21 14:00
139208 Net::Traceroute 2002-01-16 18:44
100829 Re: how to get the sizes of a file when i use CGI.PM to upload it~~? 2001-07-30 14:06
100040 Re: output caught in memory 2001-07-26 20:33
99929 Re: perl script accesing another server 2001-07-26 14:19
99696 Re: Substitute _last_ occurence in string? 2001-07-25 18:46
99280 Re: opendir, readir into @array in one line? 2001-07-24 14:38
99265 Re: crontab question 2001-07-24 12:56
99000 Re: What's a fair thing? 2001-07-23 17:07
98942 Re: dripping wet rank perl newbie ?: 2001-07-23 13:14
98458 Re: delete blank lines in a txt file 2001-07-20 20:22
98242 Re: UPDATE WHERE oid = $oid 2001-07-20 01:17
98231 From TMBG to RHPS (Time Warp) 2001-07-20 01:00
98023 Re: Multiple SQL statements 2001-07-19 14:19
98019 Re: Re: (jeffa) Re: getting output from backticks 2001-07-19 13:49
97297 Re: japhy blabs about regexes (again) 2001-07-17 16:47
96624 Re: Writing highly obfuscated code in Perl 2001-07-14 03:11
96479 Re: blank-ity blank blank!#$@! 2001-07-13 21:01
96473 Re: Weird things... 2001-07-13 20:39
96348 Some number jiggling 2001-07-13 15:20
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