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These nodes all have stuff by ailie (showing 1-25 out of ~24?):

Node ID Writeup Created
461894 Re: When I count, I think of numbers as... 2005-05-31 01:53
297593 Learning Perligata 2003-10-08 13:51
292807 Mr. Vroom's birthday be Saturday the 20th. What booty shall ye be givin' him? 2003-09-20 02:38
290221 Re: Etymologies and Dialects 2003-09-09 23:23
288638 Re: Re: Re: Re: The sort of fiction you're most likely to find me reading: 2003-09-03 13:56
288063 Semi::Semicolons 2003-08-31 22:44
164283 Re: Your favorite Muppet: 2002-05-06 11:33
145741 Thanks! 2002-02-15 18:09
130249 Introduction to Technical Writing/Documentation 2001-12-07 21:47
129869 Re: (crazyinsomniac:) Re: Fabric calculator - a better way to do it? 2001-12-06 12:19
129813 Fabric calculator - a better way to do it? 2001-12-06 04:04
75222 Re: I use Perl at work for 2001-04-24 23:28
63568 Re: Idea Generation for New Programmer 2001-03-11 06:32
62413 Re: Re: Revenge of the Perl Quilt 2001-03-06 05:47
62069 Revenge of the Perl Quilt 2001-03-04 05:50
59853 Re: Best way to get in touch with me 2001-02-21 08:47
59568 program design language - a reality? 2001-02-20 07:29
57714 suggestions for those who chose door #3 2001-02-11 09:15
56364 the perl quilt layout 2001-02-05 07:13
55903 Panhandlers 2001-02-02 03:21
55398 a perl quilt 2001-01-31 03:53
54624 a learning exercise - diary program 2001-01-26 23:57
52722 Re: Number of Perl Monks I have met in Real Life 2001-01-18 11:26
46151 Re: Random Bumper Sticker Generator 2000-12-12 02:00
44556 CGI Random Quote Server 2000-12-02 09:45
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