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These nodes all have stuff by dada (showing 1-50 out of ~121?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
965689 Re: &&= vivify keys? 2012-04-18 09:49
964351 Re^2: bug in threads::shared or is it just me? 2012-04-10 15:53
964347 Re^2: bug in threads::shared or is it just me? 2012-04-10 15:36
963687 bug in threads::shared or is it just me? 2012-04-05 14:35
757932 Re: if(my) scope 2009-04-16 10:49
745106 Re: platform agnostic foreign function interface, necessary?, missing? 2009-02-19 16:18
630289 Re^3: Using ternary operator as lvalue in push 2007-08-02 14:51
630006 Re^2: Using ternary operator as lvalue in push 2007-08-01 09:54
382584 reordering segments to form a polygon 2004-08-13 09:15
363546 Italian Perl Workshop - Registration is now Open! 2004-06-12 00:31
363531 Re: Constants you cannot help but remember 2004-06-11 21:46
363523 Re^5: Proxy Authentication 2004-06-11 21:14
356148 Re: Re: Re: Re: parsing an ASP file 2004-05-25 09:21
354912 Re: Re: Perlfunc in Italian 2004-05-20 10:29
354910 Re: Re: parsing an ASP file 2004-05-20 10:12
352784 Re: Re: parsing an ASP file 2004-05-12 15:27
352721 parsing an ASP file 2004-05-12 13:27
347581 Perlfunc in Italian 2004-04-23 12:10
337428 Re: Re: Short Circuit Operator and Hash Assignment 2004-03-17 17:25
336677 how do you call this? $x->bar(); 2004-03-15 11:55
335462 Re: Re: Re: Multiple STDIN sources 2004-03-10 15:03
335403 Re: Re: Re: Implement uclast with a regex 2004-03-10 10:01
335395 Re: Implement uclast with a regex 2004-03-10 09:18
335060 sort_top explained 2004-03-09 11:51
334879 Re: Dreaded Symbolic References 2004-03-08 17:24
334779 Re: Feature Request: Adding Colors to Source Code 2004-03-08 12:17
334775 sort_top 2004-03-08 12:07
333293 Re: Perl parser tortured (was: Perl Idioms Explained) 2004-03-02 16:12
333287 inheritance turns back and bites (for real this time) 2004-03-02 15:53
333222 Italian Perl Workshop - Call for Papers / Participation 2004-03-02 11:35
332911 Re: Re: Re: Re: inheritance turns back and bites 2004-03-01 14:18
332897 Re: Re: inheritance turns back and bites 2004-03-01 13:57
332883 inheritance turns back and bites 2004-03-01 13:13
315843 Re: Is "ref $date eq 'ARRAY'" wrong? 2003-12-19 17:12
311664 Re: Re: a word of warning about /$pattern/ 2003-12-02 16:05
311603 a word of warning about /$pattern/ 2003-12-02 13:36
305031 Re: When -w and use strict aren't enough... 2003-11-06 12:18
302977 Re: Windows pitfall: Subroutine redefined with use Modul 2003-10-29 11:30
285157 spaghetti obfu 2003-08-20 11:07
272624 Re: Who am I? Who are you? Who are us? 2003-07-09 09:10
270727 Re: Re: READMORE expanded in notes when printing pages 2003-07-02 07:43
270543 Re: READMORE expanded in notes when printing pages 2003-07-01 16:58
270436 READMORE expanded in notes when printing pages 2003-07-01 10:39
269572 tao degradation 2003-06-27 13:54
265090 Re: create a listener in Win32::GUI 2003-06-11 16:43
258104 Re: Re: unhappy with Pod::Html 2003-05-14 14:18
258085 Re: Re: unhappy with Pod::Html 2003-05-14 13:44
258064 unhappy with Pod::Html 2003-05-14 13:06
257996 Re: Never-to-use Perl features ? 2003-05-14 08:32
256148 mongers =~ monks 2003-05-07 08:44
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