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These nodes all have stuff by fokat (showing 1-50 out of ~213?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
515952 Re^3: What sets Perl back 2005-12-12 06:16
515887 Re: What sets Perl back 2005-12-11 19:11
510906 Re^2: LAMP is practical model? 2005-11-22 21:10
510646 Re: using session ids 2005-11-22 05:14
509821 Re^3: Troll Warning 2005-11-18 15:21
508070 Re: WWW::Robot no longer compatible with LWP::RobotUA. Now what? 2005-11-13 05:23
507260 Re: Experiences with Metadot? 2005-11-10 02:13
505513 Re^2: Do Storable and IO::Zlib like to play together? (one solution) 2005-11-03 21:19
505490 Re^2: Do Storable and IO::Zlib like to play together? 2005-11-03 19:52
505471 Re^2: Do Storable and IO::Zlib like to play together? 2005-11-03 18:23
505470 Re^2: Do Storable and IO::Zlib like to play together? 2005-11-03 18:22
505431 Do Storable and IO::Zlib like to play together? 2005-11-03 16:43
505085 Re^3: A brief survey of the DBI usability layer modules on the CPAN 2005-11-02 20:17
504823 Re: A brief survey of the DBI usability layer modules on the CPAN 2005-11-02 05:19
504143 Re: A Level Playing Field 2005-10-31 03:59
502354 Re^2: Neither system testing nor user acceptance testing is the repeat of unit testing (OT) 2005-10-24 00:46
498551 Re^2: Spaghetti code... 2005-10-09 12:38
493465 [OT] Re^2: Clarify My doubt on #!/usr/local/bin/perl 2005-09-20 14:25
486988 Re: UTF-8 2005-08-26 18:56
486565 Re: #! -- why doth thou exist? 2005-08-25 14:21
486403 Re: Chunking HTML to database and back 2005-08-25 00:44
485951 Re: Getting SOAP to work with mod_perl 2005-08-23 16:32
485611 Re: Test::Class and use lib 2005-08-22 05:11
483908 Re: OT: Re-use system signals or create userland ones 2005-08-15 16:34
483657 Re: Storing credit card numbers temporarily (OT) 2005-08-14 04:30
479638 Re^2: Spam filtering and regular expressions 2005-07-30 19:30
466063 Re^2: [OT] Re^5: [PT_BR] Escrever em Português no Perlmonks 2005-06-13 05:36
465978 [OT] Re^5: [PT_BR] Escrever em Português no Perlmonks 2005-06-12 16:28
465348 Re^3: [PT_BR] Escrever em Português no Perlmonks 2005-06-09 22:59
465347 Re^3: [PT_BR] Escrever em Portugues no Perlmonks 2005-06-09 22:50
453364 Re: please help to exclude my own IP address. 2005-05-02 18:18
453121 Re^2: WWW::Mechanize and Cookies 2005-05-02 03:59
446504 Re^2: How I vote 2005-04-11 02:58
436913 Re: help for accept sys call 2005-03-05 16:02
436909 Re^2: Getopt::Long to define or not to define? 2005-03-05 15:49
421483 Re^3: Whois script help 2005-01-12 02:46
412446 Re: Net:Addr 2004-12-05 01:52
409483 Re^2: Managing your IP space with Perl 2004-11-22 04:43
395505 Re: Match a Range of IP's 2004-09-30 23:18
386683 Re: Regex for Surnames 2004-08-29 02:06
381472 Re^2: Parsing Zonefiles 2004-08-10 05:39
380335 Re: Parsing Zonefiles 2004-08-05 17:36
361208 Re^3: stripping accents 2004-06-04 20:49
359453 Re: Re: Table of Contents in Newest Nodes 2004-06-02 14:21
341601 Re: Re^2: Is this an April fool's joke? (OT) 2004-04-01 12:27
341518 Re: Re: Is this an April fool's joke? 2004-04-01 05:34
341511 Is this an April fool's joke? 2004-04-01 04:58
335008 Re: Untaint IP address/hostname question 2004-03-09 05:04
334615 Re: Signing your work? When do you and when dont you? 2004-03-07 15:25
334101 Re: Re: 'show as entered' option for poorly formatted posts. 2004-03-05 02:23
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