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These nodes all have stuff by husker (showing 1-50 out of ~159?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
699689 Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket 2008-07-23 20:30
656919 Re: Challenge: Designing A Computer Opponent 2007-12-13 20:53
644246 Re: Proposal: A "Cited/Linked by" list 2007-10-11 14:27
632862 Re^3: Marking nodes as solved? 2007-08-15 21:44
631635 Re^3: An OT section (again). 2007-08-09 18:42
631150 Re: An OT section (again). 2007-08-07 20:44
615016 Re^2: Sorting hashes... 2007-05-11 21:23
584518 Re: Can Perl be more than a hobby language? 2006-11-16 17:02
580771 Re: ASCII chart that displays jobs that are running and jobs that are queued for a day 2006-10-26 14:31
572586 Re^3: Monk of the Month 2006-09-12 17:42
571702 Re: Perl 6... do we need another vm? 2006-09-07 14:49
570408 Re: RFC - FAQ for Modification of a read-only value attempted 2006-08-30 15:22
568943 Re^6: Jokes, ad-hominem attacks, and sensitivity 2006-08-22 18:37
568893 Re^4: Jokes, ad-hominem attacks, and sensitivity 2006-08-22 15:57
568882 Re^2: Jokes, ad-hominem attacks, and sensitivity 2006-08-22 15:16
566452 Re^5: Node trackbacks? 2006-08-09 18:12
566289 Re^2: Node trackbacks? 2006-08-09 00:28
566248 Node trackbacks? 2006-08-08 20:31
562291 Re: Database module recommendations 2006-07-19 14:18
506557 Re^6: Perl Scripts on systems without perl environments. 2005-11-07 22:25
506556 Re^2: Perl Scripts on systems without perl environments. 2005-11-07 22:23
499177 Re^2: New node - Supersearch - Feature proposal ! 2005-10-11 14:25
497262 Re: Basic 'while' loop problem 2005-10-04 14:24
496164 Re: Understanding variable scope in perl 2005-09-29 16:36
479187 Re: Low Status 2005-07-29 00:26
470309 Re: Need for a Dark Temple (Perl Warlocks)? 2005-06-27 16:11
466604 Re^2: Tabular Data, Group By Functions 2005-06-14 15:29
464307 Re^2: How do I read data passed to perl script 2005-06-07 14:04
460850 Re: Programming skill #1: Communication 2005-05-26 19:53
447855 Re^2: Making happy nodes 2005-04-14 16:18
445672 Re: Basic voting statistics for Node Reputation 2005-04-07 13:58
440805 Re: Just Another Discussion of Spam 2005-03-18 21:15
440733 Re: Comparison of Perl parsing methodologies 2005-03-18 16:30
440729 Re: Quest: Compiling aphorisms 2005-03-18 16:19
440399 Re: Quest: Compiling aphorisms 2005-03-17 15:40
436627 Re^3: compiling Perl on Win32 so I can use Inline::C 2005-03-04 16:16
436608 Re^2: Keeping, and advancing in, your job 2005-03-04 15:51
436368 Re: Keeping, and advancing in, your job 2005-03-03 20:57
436362 Re: Calculating discounts and tax (OT) 2005-03-03 20:45
436351 Re^2: Populating Arrays of Arrays 2005-03-03 19:59
433186 Re^5: How to detect X? 2005-02-21 23:02
432416 Re^2: $NORM is dropping! Should we care? 2005-02-18 17:03
432394 $NORM is dropping! Should we care? 2005-02-18 16:36
432362 Re: Out of memory problem when copying contents of file into array 2005-02-18 15:36
431653 Re: RFC to site changes and XP changes 2005-02-16 17:30
430807 Re^2: Win32::OLE made easy! 2005-02-14 15:03
428791 Win32::OLE made easy! 2005-02-07 19:38
421311 Re^2: Parrot Monks? 2005-01-11 16:09
419739 Re: How to automate construction of directories? 2005-01-05 21:41
411062 Intriguing news site (built with Perl) 2004-11-29 22:42
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