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These nodes all have stuff by jeroenes (showing 1-50 out of ~437?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
674701 Re: GDB journey into perl internals 2008-03-18 03:14
674299 Re: Pattern Match n00b 2008-03-14 21:27
674263 Re: how to make a good interface? 2008-03-14 17:55
298676 Re: regex: only want [a-zA-Z] and comma chars in a string 2003-10-12 17:36
128326 Re: Open Source Perl IDE 2001-11-29 15:07
128322 Re: Checking for Dupes in MySQL 2001-11-29 14:54
128038 Re: {3} Using Variables in Path Names 2001-11-28 16:06
127082 Re: Is reference blessed? 2001-11-23 14:58
127075 Re: Data Mining with Perl :: Use the right tool for the job! 2001-11-23 13:29
126979 Re: Perl memory Memory consumption 2001-11-22 20:06
125609 Re:{3} How to dup $FOO to STDIN 2001-11-15 20:39
125532 Re:{2} Is there a limit on STDIN string size 259? 2001-11-15 13:19
125527 Re: How to dup $FOO to STDIN 2001-11-15 12:25
125396 Re: Regex question 2001-11-14 23:28
125378 Re: How aggressively does Perl clean up when you exit()? 2001-11-14 22:02
125035 Re:{2} Regular expression and 2001-11-13 16:18
124312 Re: Mixed Data 2001-11-09 12:52
124111 Re:{2}: Moderation of Tutorials 2001-11-08 22:00
124076 Moderation of Tutorials 2001-11-08 19:19
124045 Re: How do you export a Tk canvas without postscript? 2001-11-08 16:19
123873 Re: When is a script an application 2001-11-07 22:20
123562 Re:{3} Confused Beginner: searching and displaying information from a dat file 2001-11-06 17:10
123556 Re:{2} convert windows path 2001-11-06 16:20
123555 Re: Converting Word97 (or later) exported HTML to valid HTML 2001-11-06 16:11
123531 Re:{2} Timed Execution 2001-11-06 11:42
123529 Re{3} How do I create a sort sub on-the-fly? 2001-11-06 11:30
123395 Re:{3} XS routine returns an extra depth of array refs 2001-11-05 23:48
123378 Re: XS routine returns an extra depth of array refs 2001-11-05 22:28
123302 Re:{3} Maintainability vs execution time? Was: Search an array ref of array refs 2001-11-05 13:08
122793 Re:{3} How do I create a sort sub on-the-fly? 2001-11-02 16:56
122780 Re: How do I create a sort sub on-the-fly? 2001-11-02 15:15
122752 Re: (Ovid - Utopia does not exist) Re: The true PerlMonks Experience 2001-11-02 08:44
122519 Re: Search an array ref of array refs 2001-11-01 11:47
122415 Re: Summing the elements of multiple arrays into a new array 2001-10-31 23:19
122311 Re:{2} Any easy guides to using Glade/Perl 2001-10-31 14:00
122078 Re:{3} Automate Making Menus 2001-10-30 17:48
121996 Re: Automate Making Menus 2001-10-30 02:48
121697 Re: Any easy guides to using Glade/Perl 2001-10-27 01:01
121694 Re: cleaning up control characters 2001-10-27 00:51
121385 Re:{3} Is the file there? 2001-10-25 10:10
121382 Re: Bin\Hex Parsing in Perl ? 2001-10-25 09:46
121274 Re: loop execution 2001-10-25 01:14
121205 Re: Stupid, yet simple, sort question 2001-10-24 21:32
121081 Re: How do I loop through a list two or more elements at a time? 2001-10-24 15:37
121069 Re: How do I loop through a list two or more elements at a time? 2001-10-24 14:38
121068 Re:{2} How to limit resources ? 2001-10-24 14:29
121065 Re:{4} Getting impossible things right (behaviour of keys) 2001-10-24 14:25
121060 Re: How to limit resources ? 2001-10-24 14:03
121053 Re:{2} Getting impossible things right (behaviour of keys) 2001-10-24 13:43
121052 Re: Merging two pipes 2001-10-24 13:36
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