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These nodes all have stuff by larryk (showing 1-50 out of ~182?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
1080068 Re^2: ISO 8601 week number 2014-03-28 11:15
1046790 Re^2: IPC::Run::run not working under mod_cgi on Windows? 2013-07-29 07:57
1046783 Re^2: IPC::Run::run not working under mod_cgi on Windows? 2013-07-29 07:12
1046505 IPC::Run::run not working under mod_cgi on Windows? 2013-07-26 13:02
1018298 Re^4: sorting Chinese characters 2013-02-12 05:31
1016639 Re^2: sorting Chinese characters 2013-02-02 04:00
1016638 Re^2: sorting Chinese characters 2013-02-02 03:28
1016514 Re: Best way to manage package versions? 2013-02-01 10:49
1016504 sorting Chinese characters 2013-02-01 10:22
747557 Re^2: How to use a negative backreference in regex? 2009-03-02 22:01
747135 How to use a negative backreference in regex? 2009-02-28 12:33
715048 Re: Tracking application events in Windows 2008-10-02 16:49
560734 Re: Determine screen resolution (on Windows) 2006-07-12 16:06
560730 Re: OSCP module? 2006-07-12 16:01
509788 Re: No interactivity (prompt) after reading from pipe 2005-11-18 14:32
455549 Re^2: How do I subclass DB? 2005-05-10 13:03
455517 How do I subclass DB? 2005-05-10 11:16
451986 Re: How would you rewrite this? 2005-04-27 15:22
441740 Re^3: How do I print a quote with a perl one liner on dos? 2005-03-23 11:21
433751 perltidy - no space before comment if first item in block 2005-02-23 16:36
323497 Re: string length problems 2004-01-23 10:31
323149 Net::SMTP isConnected method 2004-01-22 11:18
202241 Re: Limiting the number of forks 2002-10-02 12:21
195649 Re: input switch 2002-09-06 14:30
194131 Re: file data 2002-08-30 15:05
193932 Re: Setting Content-Type when POSTing with LWP 2002-08-29 21:59
193923 Re: POP3 Client getting email subjects 2002-08-29 21:23
193920 Re: getting the names of directories under a directory 2002-08-29 21:18
193910 Re: Re: Re: Re: (Golf) Formatting Integer To Money 2002-08-29 20:55
192654 Re: Get biggest value from array 2002-08-25 09:27
190111 Re: Problem Accessing Object using Win32::OLE 2002-08-14 15:23
188295 Re: modify searchlist in registry 2002-08-07 12:52
157750 Re: Re: Security problem in SOAP::Lite 2002-04-09 15:21
155985 Re: Beowulf and Perl 2002-04-02 12:35
153346 Re: Re: Re: regex capturing problem 2002-03-21 16:23
153317 Re: regex capturing problem 2002-03-21 13:43
151654 perl2exe Evaluation Message Avoider 2002-03-14 12:57
149973 Re: HTML Entities 2002-03-07 09:26
146259 Override CORE::mkdir 2002-02-18 21:44
145412 Re: Guaranteed messaging among apps 2002-02-14 09:36
145152 Indirect Object Syntax Tomfoolery 2002-02-13 12:55
142148 Re: How can I tell if a number is a power of 2? 2002-01-28 22:52
142140 Re: How can I tell if a number is a power of 2? 2002-01-28 22:31
142122 How can I tell if a number is a power of 2? 2002-01-28 21:37
141934 Re: Re: Re: File::Grep 2002-01-27 18:01
141263 Re: Displaying an image stored in MySql for HTML 2002-01-24 22:02
141258 Byte-order and packing numbers into strings 2002-01-24 21:53
141244 Re: Re: Re: Re: (tye)Re: Symbol::List 2002-01-24 21:05
141195 Re: Re: (tye)Re: Symbol::List 2002-01-24 16:28
140867 RTFM: HTTP::Cookies is saving an empty file 2002-01-23 14:47
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