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These nodes all have stuff by reptile (showing 1-50 out of ~75?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
33177 Re: What modules are installed ? 2000-09-19 22:55
32759 Re: Validating hash values 2000-09-16 03:13
32355 RE: (jcwren) Re: (2) Tying events to perl warnings and errors 2000-09-14 00:23
32213 Re: How long 'tween now and then? 2000-09-13 03:49
31607 Re: Core Dumping with Arrays 2000-09-08 19:50
30234 RE: How to write a nice rule base? 2000-08-30 02:57
30195 Round a Number to Any Place 2000-08-29 23:34
29985 RE: Re: multi-line regex again 2000-08-28 18:50
28082 RE: An 2000-08-16 13:48
27700 Re: Splicing an array. 2000-08-14 02:44
27485 RE: Banner Ad / IFrame blues 2000-08-11 13:43
26918 Re: I got zombies 2000-08-09 04:49
26722 RE: Re: I got zombies 2000-08-08 05:53
26694 I got zombies 2000-08-08 02:58
26467 RE: Newbie Help! 2000-08-07 02:38
26396 Re: Maximum parsing depth with XML::Parser? 2000-08-06 07:17
26325 RE: Arrays are not lists 2000-08-05 11:47
25700 RE: Re: Unix-y question 2000-08-02 15:15
25691 Unix-y question 2000-08-02 14:35
25643 RE: RE: Perl and Python 2000-08-02 04:41
25635 RE: undefs and functions 2000-08-02 03:42
24714 RE: Frontpage/UI Improvements? 2000-07-27 21:45
23938 RE: Efficiency and Large Arrays 2000-07-23 02:31
23916 RE: History of 'our' 2000-07-22 22:51
23611 RE: I want to add nodes to my personal nodelet 2000-07-21 20:57
23443 Re: Using Perl to create XML 2000-07-20 21:40
23316 RE: Perl 6 Announced 2000-07-20 03:16
23315 RE: Re: An interesting form question 2000-07-20 03:11
22126 RE: Quoting the masters... 2000-07-12 02:33
21869 RE: Using PerlMonks code 2000-07-11 00:45
21771 Re: grep problems and file copying issues 2000-07-10 15:09
21654 RE: Grouping Symbols? 2000-07-08 19:14
21644 RE: or or 2000-07-08 15:48
21556 RE: Tutorial wish list 2000-07-07 23:04
21068 RE: RE: Username Changing 2000-07-05 03:03
20519 Using (s)printf() 2000-06-30 03:36
20347 RE: 'Synthetic' Code 2000-06-29 14:28
20096 Re: something about improving code... 2000-06-28 02:30
19778 Re: mod-perl and globals 2000-06-26 03:35
18688 Re: Deteriming how much is left to read on a filehandle 2000-06-18 04:09
18000 RE: Recursive inheritance 2000-06-14 02:44
17167 Re: How do I find the difference in days between two dates, in a cool perl way? 2000-06-08 22:44
16232 Re: How can I format the output of localtime? 2000-06-04 02:26
16231 RE: Awakening 2000-06-04 02:14
15583 RE: Re: Help with Pmail Project 2000-05-31 09:08
15543 RE: Re: pattern matching: why does the following code evaluate true? (and how do i fix it?) 2000-05-31 03:17
15533 Re: Win32::GUI for Perl 2000-05-31 02:26
15321 RE: RE: Answer: How do I sort a multidimensional arrays? 2000-05-30 01:50
15269 RE: Wrapping long code tags 2000-05-29 12:44
15220 Re: How do I sort a multidimensional arrays? 2000-05-28 23:59
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