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These nodes all have stuff by rjimlad (showing 1-16 out of ~16?):

Node ID Writeup Created
201553 Re: Downloading FIle from local harddrive? 2002-09-29 15:14
201550 Re: Re: Checking for an existing URL 2002-09-29 14:57
201547 Re: Viewing locally-served pages from the outside, while *inside*! 2002-09-29 14:35
201543 Re: Re: Voting Issues with Lynx (and other browsers) 2002-09-29 14:13
197849 HTML accessibility 2002-09-14 11:59
183447 Re: How do I free memory allocated to an array 2002-07-19 20:35
183443 Re: Like in hashes, do we have something like exists in arrays as well. 2002-07-19 20:28
183435 Re: How do I find if an array has duplicate elements, if so discard it? 2002-07-19 20:18
183425 Re: prototyle mismatch error using LWP::Simple and CGI. 2002-07-19 20:01
15212 RE: Re: Checking for odd/even number 2000-05-28 22:02
14861 RE: Highlander - allow only one invocation at a time of an expensive CGI script 2000-05-26 00:25
14860 RE: RE: RE: Monk titles 2000-05-26 00:20
14853 RE: RE: Mysterious the ways: == and eq 2000-05-25 23:52
14830 RE: no proxy - yes proxy Netscape 2000-05-25 21:46
14826 RE: A challenge 2000-05-25 21:32
14821 RE: My .signature. 2000-05-25 21:18
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