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These nodes all have stuff by westrock2000 (showing 1-16 out of ~14?):

Node ID Writeup Created
1142589 Getting system enviornmentals when running CGI 2015-09-20 23:49
1115815 Search hex string in vary large binary file 2015-02-06 23:25
1104438 Can Perl write multiple files at the same time? 2014-10-20 13:33
1082845 Re^2: Can Perl read another terminals STDOUT? 2014-04-19 01:20
1082560 Can Perl read another terminals STDOUT? 2014-04-16 21:32
865212 Re^2: Real Time Progress Bar in console 2010-10-14 06:22
864328 Real Time Progress Bar in console 2010-10-09 06:56
863139 Re^2: Printf : How to repeat characters? 2010-10-03 04:34
863137 Printf : How to repeat characters? 2010-10-03 04:22
845306 Re^2: Keep a "system" process running if script is prematurely exited? 2010-06-18 04:27
845138 Keep a "system" process running if script is prematurely exited? 2010-06-17 04:10
843257 Re: Odd problems with UTF-8, regexps, and newer Perl versions 2010-06-05 11:38
843256 Re^4: Modify a variable within curly braces (ASCII Sequence)) 2010-06-05 11:25
843060 Re^2: Modify a variable within curly braces (ASCII Sequence)) 2010-06-04 04:44
843055 Modify a variable within curly braces (ASCII Sequence)) 2010-06-04 04:13
841151 Can I have a running clock within a script in Xterm? 2010-05-22 01:27
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