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These nodes all have stuff by zigdon (showing 1-50 out of ~238?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
773788 Re^3: return if 0 2009-06-22 23:16
773742 Re^3: return if 0 2009-06-22 19:31
773703 return if 0 2009-06-22 17:36
695417 Re^2: Perl Certification ( oh yeah, it's that time again... almost ) 2008-07-03 18:10
692812 Re^4: SVN::Client not committing? 2008-06-18 22:39
690773 Re^4: -r broken on root_squash NFS? 2008-06-06 22:18
690768 Re^2: -r broken on root_squash NFS? 2008-06-06 21:23
690766 -r broken on root_squash NFS? 2008-06-06 21:17
601692 Re: How do I create friendlier URLS? 2007-02-23 06:43
594187 Re^2: Mutable foreach list? 2007-01-11 15:57
594182 Re^2: Mutable foreach list? 2007-01-11 15:38
594174 Mutable foreach list? 2007-01-11 15:19
586828 Re^2: SVN::Client not committing? 2006-11-29 21:38
586812 SVN::Client not committing? 2006-11-29 20:08
575775 Re: A Simple hash question 2006-10-01 13:20
572930 Re: regular expressions with ! 2006-09-14 14:32
572804 Re^4: Inexplicably slow regex (optimizer) 2006-09-13 19:36
572765 Re^2: Inexplicably slow regex 2006-09-13 15:51
571307 Re: subroutine passing array as named parameter 2006-09-05 18:58
570442 Re: Largest Sum of Consecutive Integers 2006-08-30 17:54
569210 Re: (OT) Bash Tabbing 2006-08-23 21:00
568159 Wootoff monitor 2006-08-18 14:17
562555 Re^2: creating a text file at run time and writing to it. 2006-07-20 12:08
562549 Re: creating a text file at run time and writing to it. 2006-07-20 11:47
562034 Re: Saving and Loading of Variables 2006-07-18 14:50
561206 Re^2: Perlmonks RSS feed 2006-07-14 13:14
561146 Re^2: Perlmonks RSS feed 2006-07-14 05:24
561141 Perlmonks RSS feed 2006-07-14 04:58
518136 Re^3: Can you have partial case-insensitivty in a regexp? 2005-12-20 17:59
506821 Test::More test names? 2005-11-08 17:57
503960 Re^15: weird Class::DBI::AbstractSearch problem 2005-10-30 04:59
499352 Re^13: weird Class::DBI::AbstractSearch problem 2005-10-12 03:19
497559 Re^11: Class::DBI::AbstractSearch and SpeedyCGI 2005-10-05 11:45
497486 Re^9: Class::DBI::AbstractSearch and SpeedyCGI 2005-10-05 04:38
497469 Re^7: Class::DBI::AbstractSearch and SpeedyCGI 2005-10-05 02:41
497384 Re^2: Class::DBI::AbstractSearch and SpeedyCGI 2005-10-04 20:11
497382 Re^5: Class::DBI::AbstractSearch and SpeedyCGI 2005-10-04 20:09
497202 Re^3: Class::DBI::AbstractSearch and SpeedyCGI 2005-10-04 11:14
497195 Re^2: Class::DBI::AbstractSearch and SpeedyCGI 2005-10-04 10:55
497192 Re^2: Class::DBI::AbstractSearch and SpeedyCGI 2005-10-04 10:51
497114 Class::DBI::AbstractSearch and SpeedyCGI 2005-10-04 02:24
496230 SpeedyCGI and POSTs using CGI::Simple 2005-09-29 20:32
493623 Re: list of list and HTML::Template 2005-09-20 23:33
492170 Re: How to make perl affect my shell 2005-09-15 11:30
406398 Re: Read/Change files in a Directory 2004-11-09 17:25
402974 Re: squid-billing 2004-10-27 12:43
395330 Re: SOLVED: C:DBI fails to update DB? 2004-09-30 13:00
394950 Re^2: C:DBI fails to update DB? 2004-09-29 12:46
394570 C:DBI fails to update DB? 2004-09-28 13:28
394293 Re^2: Class::DBI cascading delete problem? 2004-09-27 18:54
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