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These nodes all have stuff by wazoox (showing 1-50 out of ~785?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
11152614 Re: Vote For Perl 2023-06-02 16:43
11141387 Re^5: A Word Game 2022-02-14 15:43
11122831 Re^2: When is it time to stop posting to CPAN? 2020-10-14 15:18
11107409 Re^2: TimToady Approved renaming Perl6 to Raku 2019-10-14 10:37
11107351 TimToady Approved renaming Perl6 to Raku 2019-10-11 20:27
11105314 Re: Perl 6 to be renamed? 2019-08-30 16:42
1233587 Re: Do you enjoy 3D movies? 2019-05-10 21:26
1231507 Re^6: mod_perl sharing modules with other accounts when I don't want it to 2019-03-20 18:19
1231497 Re^3: mod_perl sharing modules with other accounts when I don't want it to 2019-03-20 15:24
1231447 Re: mod_perl sharing modules with other accounts when I don't want it to 2019-03-19 17:32
1208976 Re^4: No chance of a latest version of Modern Perl? 2018-02-12 09:26
1199411 Re^2: Building a web-based system administration interface in Perl 2017-09-14 16:51
1199329 Re^3: PBP in German out of print - solutions? 2017-09-13 16:21
1172464 Re: Starting a New Script 2016-09-23 13:30
1167629 Re^3: What is your favorite alternate name for a (specific) keyboard key? 2016-07-12 16:04
1167557 Re: What is your favorite alternate name for a (specific) keyboard key? 2016-07-11 14:09
1167309 Re^5: LWP::UserAgent doesn't send my HTTP::Cookies 2016-07-06 15:21
1167230 Re^2: LWP::UserAgent doesn't send my HTTP::Cookies 2016-07-05 11:24
1167228 Re^3: LWP::UserAgent doesn't send my HTTP::Cookies 2016-07-05 11:14
1167006 LWP::UserAgent doesn't send my HTTP::Cookies 2016-07-01 15:35
1102339 Re^2: Making sense of File::Find 2014-09-29 11:43
1102164 Making sense of File::Find 2014-09-26 17:22
1099194 Re^4: Find duplicate files. 2014-09-01 20:20
1076885 Re^2: Simultaneously reading from a file and serving data 2014-03-04 14:27
1076440 Re^2: Simultaneously reading from a file and serving data 2014-02-27 19:50
1076424 Simultaneously reading from a file and serving data 2014-02-27 17:29
1073479 Re^3: A Melancholy Monkday 2014-02-04 21:20
1070969 Re^3: Perl 5 Optimizing Compiler, Part 11: RPerl v1.0 Beta Released! 2014-01-17 15:01
1070837 Re: Perl 5 Optimizing Compiler, Part 11: RPerl v1.0 Beta Released! 2014-01-16 17:36
1020474 Re: Perl and Java comparison 2013-02-25 08:25
1009367 Happy birthday Perl! 2012-12-18 13:54
992142 Re^4: Perl Gtk3 Tutorial 2012-09-06 16:44
991935 Re^2: Perl Gtk3 Tutorial 2012-09-05 20:15
990746 Re^2: the basic datatypes, three 2012-08-30 13:40
989754 Re^5: Need Help: invoking TCL procedure in perl scripts. 2012-08-25 20:51
989076 Re^3: Need Help: invoking TCL procedure in perl scripts. 2012-08-22 15:34
988469 Re: Perl Poetry - Farewell 2012-08-20 15:54
958769 Re: Offline wikipedia using Perl 2012-03-09 18:09
954256 Re: Scraping Ajax / JS pop-up 2012-02-16 14:47
944080 Re: Biggest file? 2011-12-17 14:09
941133 Re^5: We should elminate: Anonymous, and DOWN-voting 2011-12-01 17:54
940866 Re^3: We should elminate: Anonymous, and DOWN-voting 2011-11-30 14:14
940834 Re: We should elminate: Anonymous, and DOWN-voting 2011-11-30 13:04
940096 Re^2: The speed of blessed hashrefs, the power of Moose - how to get both? 2011-11-25 16:03
934501 Re^5: Exploring Inline::C (Generating primes) 2011-10-28 20:20
934244 Re^3: Exploring Inline::C (Generating primes) 2011-10-27 21:07
933998 Re^3: Exploring Inline::C (Generating primes) 2011-10-26 21:08
933997 Re^3: Exploring Inline::C (Generating primes) 2011-10-26 21:04
933638 Re: Exploring Inline::C (Generating primes) 2011-10-25 15:30
932194 Re^3: LWP::Useragent GET fails with https 2011-10-18 16:49
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