Description: |
framechat is a Perl/CGI XML CB client modeled on the
frameset at perlmonks. Includes message inbox, private
chat, history, xp nodelet, rep change tracker, new nodes
ticker, links to vital nodes and more.
To use just fill in the configuration variables (first!) and call it from your local web server.
functions include:
- emulates perlmonks chatterbox linking standards
- integrated message inbox with cc to self option
- new nodes ticker
- rep change ticker with history
- extract and display $NORM
- textarea input for editing extended messages
- large messages chunked for multiple send
- super search form with perldoc, cpan, google and babelfish
- launchpad for accessing your favorite search engines
Run it and select help for more info.
WARNING: Client authentication makes framechat
more secure but exercise caution. Do not allow public access to your installation of framechat!
New in 2.0
- New nodes ticker!
- Rep change ticker with history!
- Client login & quit for better security.
- Create & edit optional external config file.
- Tools control panel to see & set parameters.
- /ignore and /unignore and see who's being ignored.
- /logout and /login implemented.
- Not in the userlist but still see chat.
- All links to perlmonks become logged out.
- History still functions if enabled.
- Logout disables node title lookup.
- Faster thanks to less print statements.
- More robust error handling (esp. xml parsing).
- XP nodelet now shows xp gain and loss messages (Ack!)
- inbox/launchpad/newnode frame can remember state.
- Notes added to update notification.
Fixed in 2.0:
- Bug in link parser that caused italic history after an unclosed i tag.
- Last \$norm should now appear when code updated.
- Code is less redundant and more readable.
Fixed in 2.01:
- A new node with 0 rep showed +0 change (a printf feature).
- New nodes and check update didn't work if proxy in use.
- New nodes loadtime was 1 second off.
Fixed in 2.02:
- Empty document error if history file for present day didn't exist.
- IIS breakage addressed with a new config var: $broken.
- Change to talk frame enables submit with Tab+Enter sequence (thanks grinder).
- <i> tags would italicize cb text, oops.
- Rep related data files now 50% smaller.
- Added config file syntax status feedback and warnings.
- Improved the help and tools sections.
- NEW: Node rep history graph!
Fixed in 2.03:
- control chrs in chat xml not being stripped due to missing /d modifier on tr in sub fixxml.
- client authentication erroneously succeeded if username and password not defined.
Fixed in 2.04:
- Repaired the chat frame and norm parser to conform with changes at perlmonks.
- Added support for the latest shortcut tags: pad, kobe, jargon, perldoc. If you use an external config file these need to be added to the @tags array so they appear in the pulldown menu in the input frame, as well as a few items added to the %launch_urls hash.
To run framechat under mod_perl use OeufMayo's
mod_perl patch. |