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by ack (Deacon)
on Sep 11, 2007 at 15:54 UTC ( [id://638334]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

58 years old. Wife and Daughter (Daughter is 12 years old). Reformed programmer; now a Chief Systems Engineer (I think it's a fancy name for chief babysitter)and Lead Flight Director. Learned Perl basics several years ago; love it; we use it around here as our s‎crip‎t-language-of-choice for testing research & devel space systems and, to lesser extent, for command-control of space systems. My favorite things in life: my daughter; Starbuck's Grande Mocha Java, Black Tea Lemonade; fresh ripe peaches right from the tree; watching tumbling masses of clouds falling over the ridgeline of the Sandia Mountain Peaks outside my window at work.

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