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Re^5: Problem installing perl modules

by almut (Canon)
on Sep 12, 2007 at 21:35 UTC ( [id://638691]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: Problem installing perl modules
in thread Problem installing perl modules

Ok, this confirms my suspicion, i.e. the ActivePerl binary has been built with the Sun WorkShop 6 C compiler. In that case, I don't think there's an easy way to get things to work with gcc. In other words, I'm afraid you'll have to try one of the other options I mentioned.

If you have a Sun C compiler (probably doesn't have to be this very version), I'd go with that. Otherwise, I'd try to find pre-built PPM packages (I'm not using PPM myself, so I can't help out with links to good repositories...), or as a last resort, build your own Perl from the sources using gcc. In the latter case, when everything is consistently making use of the same compiler framework, you shouldn't have any problems building extension modules. Good luck.

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Re^6: Problem installing perl modules
by kraas (Novice) on Sep 13, 2007 at 12:51 UTC
    I removed ActivePerl and reinstalled it. The file denoted by 'which cc' is a symlink pointing to the gcc executable; shouldn't that mean perl would use gcc to compile, if it was trying to use cc? Typing 'cc -v' and 'gcc -v' gives the same output. I installed Crypt::CBC with no problem. However when I tried to install Crypt::Blowfish it got the same type of error mentioned above again. According to this Blowfish shouldn't have any prereqs besides Crypt::CBC. What could I be missing? The version of CBC I added was 2.22 and the version of Blowfish was 2.10.
      I removed ActivePerl and reinstalled it.

      It's not a matter of a broken Perl installation, so reinstalling won't help here. The problem is that you're using a compiler which that particular ActivePerl build doesn't play nicely with.

      The file denoted by 'which cc' is a symlink pointing to the gcc executable; shouldn't that mean perl would use gcc to compile, if it was trying to use cc?

      Yes, it does call gcc, but that's exactly the problem, because gcc and Sun's cc are sufficiently incompatible for things to work...

      I installed Crypt::CBC with no problem.

      The reason this did work is that Crypt::CBC is a pure Perl module. In other words, you don't need a compiler to install it.

      According to this Blowfish shouldn't have any prereqs besides Crypt::CBC.

      Presumably that's right. However, Crypt::Blowfish itself comprises architecture specific C/XS code, which means you need a working compiler installation to be able to build/install it.

      I'm sorry, but unless someone comes up with a novel suggestion, I'm afraid there's not much else you can try, in addition to what I already did mention...

        So you're saying that I got the wrong install file for ActivePerl?

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