use strict;
use bignum;
sub iter_fib {
my @buffer = ( 1, 1, 2 );
my $phi = 0;
my $convergence = -1;
my $iter = 3;
while ( !$convergence->is_zero() ) {
# calculate next fibbonacci number
$buffer[2] = $buffer[0] + $buffer[1];
# calculate phi
( $phi, $convergence ) =
calcPhi( $buffer[0], $buffer[1], $buffer[2] );
# report
my $pad = ( $iter < 10 ) ? '0' : '';
print "Iter: $pad$iter\tPHI=$phi\t".
" $buffer[1],"." $buffer[2])\n";
# shift the buffer
$buffer[0] = $buffer[1];
$buffer[1] = $buffer[2];
sub calcPhi {
my $argPrevPrev = shift;
my $argPrev = shift;
my $argCurr = shift;
my @ratio = ( $argPrev / $argPrevPrev,
$argCurr / $argPrev );
my $phi = $ratio[1];
my $convergence = $ratio[1] - $ratio[0];
return ( $phi, $convergence );
=head1 NAME - find phi using the fibonacci sequence
Iterates through the fibbonacci numbers,
keeping a buffer of three numbers. Then it uses the
ratio of the current and previous fibonacci numbers to
calculate the golden ratio, a constant named phi.
Convergence is also calculated as a difference in
ratios. The program stops when it determines no
changes have occurred in successive steps (aka. it has
converged on PHI as far as the datatypes will allow).
What was I thinking when I wrote this ?
Last 2 lines of output on me compy:
Iter: 96 PHI=1.61803398874989484820458683436563811772 DELTA-0.00
+0000000000000000000000000000000000001 Buffer:(19740274219868223167
+, 31940434634990099905, 51680708854858323072)
Iter: 97 PHI=1.61803398874989484820458683436563811772 DELTA0
+Buffer:(31940434634990099905, 51680708854858323072, 83621143489848422