merrymonk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
The Best of the Perl Journal book called Games, Diversions & Perl Culture has aChapter on obfuscation. There is also an obfuscation section on the Perl Monks site. I would like to try obfuscating and using my code including using modules that are also obfuscated.However, I am sure I missing something obvious somewhere becauseI could not see how to use the ‘examples’ given.
Can some kindly Monk get me past first base?A link to somewhere having a explanation would be good.
Re: Using Obfuscation 'Examples'
by Zaxo (Archbishop) on Nov 09, 2007 at 09:02 UTC
I don't think ofuscation is a good exercise for beginners. Advanced perlers play with writing them for a programming challenge and decypher them as a self-test.
Novices are apt to take the wrong lessons from it.
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I can see that this is not for beginners or at least 'wise' beginners. However I would like to 'play' with them but Iam still stuck not knowing how to start!Therefore some clues would be much appreciated.
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