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Adding files to Archive::Tar

by btrott (Parson)
on Mar 17, 2001 at 01:02 UTC ( [id://65027]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

This is a routine I've used in the past to add files to an Archive::Tar object (in the process of creating a tar archive). My objective was to get relative paths in the archive, rather than paths from the root.


my $tar = Archive::Tar->new; add_to_tar($tar, $thing_to_add, $base_dir); $tar->write($gz, 9);
$thing_to_add can be either a file or a directory.

$base_dir is the key to relative paths. For example, say I had a directory directory '/foo/bar', and in that directory is another directory 'baz'. I can do something like this:

add_to_tar($tar, 'baz', '/foo/bar');
Alternatively, the second directory could contain the full path:
add_to_tar($tar, '/foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar');
Hope this is useful.
sub add_to_tar { my($tar, $thing, $base) = @_; if (defined $base) { chdir $base or die "Can't chdir to $base: $!"; $thing =~ s!^$base/?!!; } if (-f $thing) { $tar->add_files($thing); } elsif (-d $thing) { my $code = sub { return if !-f $_; local *FH; open FH, $_ or die "Can't open $_: $!"; binmode FH; my $c = do { local $/; <FH> }; close FH or die "Can't close $_: $!"; $tar->add_data($File::Find::name, $c); }; find $code, $thing; } }

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Re: Adding files to Archive::Tar
by Anonymous Monk on Nov 30, 2011 at 22:16 UTC
    Hey, you made my day! Thank you so much!

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