in reply to Exponential Function Programming

#!/usr/bin/perl -wTl use strict; use warnings; use bignum 'bexp'; ## get the latest from CPAN use Memoize; use constant MAX_POWER => 30; use constant MAX_DIGITS => 50; my $X = shift || 1; memoize('my_factorial'); my $best = bexp( $X, MAX_DIGITS ); my $estimate = 1; for my $i (1 .. MAX_POWER) { $estimate += ($X ** $i) / my_factorial( $i ); print join "\n", ($i, $best, $estimate, abs( $best - $estimate ), q()); } exit( 0 ); ##--------------------------------------------------+ sub my_factorial { my ($n) = @_; return 1 if $n == 1; $n * my_factorial( $n - 1 ); }