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So Whatcha use perl for anyway?

by KurtSchwind (Chaplain)
on Nov 23, 2007 at 17:02 UTC ( [id://652612]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

The uses for perl are vast and deep. There are uses for perl today that didn't exist in the past. And of course, some other technologies have stepped in and are in use as well. All of this got me to thinking.

We have a diverse group of monks here. So what is everyone using Perl for? ETL? Dynamic web pages? Scientific problem processing?

Here is your opportunity to share. Who knows? By sharing, you might shed some light on a task that someone didn't know could be done in Perl.

I guess I'll start: I use perl for ETL processing mostly. Reading record files into or out of databases and doing general transformations. I also use perl for command line higgery-jiggery. I also use perl for my process control scripts and logging.

There. I shared. How about you?

use STD::Disclaimer; my $d = qq/I could find no recent threads on this topic./;
I used to drive a Heisenbergmobile, but every time I looked at the speedometer, I got lost.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by Your Mother (Archbishop) on Nov 23, 2007 at 19:25 UTC

    A more concise, but less fun, question would be, "What don't you use Perl for?" The lists would be much shorter. :)

    • Blog platform (in Catalyst).
    • Parsing data from diving websites and writing into Excel sheets.
    • Server health checkups.
    • Converting broken, nasty Project Gutenberg HTML to clean XHTML and automatically posting it.
    • Ajax forms and user voting.
    • Jokes, like Acme::LOLCAT.
    • RSS/Atom writing and reading.
    • Automatic tear down and rebuilding of databases; DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader + DBICx::Deploy.
    • Reminder emails.
    • Date counters and parsers.
    • Graphing weblog stats.
    • Filtering mixed text+html perfectly to clean XHTML with DWIM paragraphs and newlines.
    • Perl code coloring.
    • Chat server.
    • Typographical auto-markup; e.g., (r) --> ®.
    • RTF --> HTML.
    • CSS collapsing and style inlining.
    • Perl controlled rsync as part of build scripts.
    • Colored XHTML document revision diffs.
    • Tax calculators.
    • Order tracking and manipulation.
    • Language translation services.
    • Search engines; raw, metaphone, vector.
    • DB --> YAML --> DB.
    • MP3 manipulation.
    • Image stamping.
    • Et cetera, et cetera
      Language translation services.

      I'm intrigued. Are you developing a machine translation system?

        That's probably a bit out of my depth. :) I'm tying into a human language translation API. Korean --> German kind of thing.

      "Perl code coloring."

      What is that?

      I used to drive a Heisenbergmobile, but every time I looked at the speedometer, I got lost.

        Sorry, that's nondescript. XHTML/CSS syntax coloring to display Perl code. I've done it with Syntax::Highlight::Perl -- did a very buggy version with perltidy once -- in the past and PPI in the last year or so.

        I know that Jonathan Rockway's Angerwhale does generic syntax coloring of many different languages (it's based on a package, the name of which eludes me right now). I keep meaning to look into it.

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by shmem (Chancellor) on Nov 23, 2007 at 22:00 UTC
    Anything. Well, common stuff like web frontends, log parsing, sysadmin task in general, but then some odd uses in which perl shines, too, amongst them:
    • shell (well, job control is lacking still)
    • patch e.g Windows DLLs (proprietary stuff) to convert English messages to German, and other random hackery on binaries
    • make our Java Witnesses emit shrieks of horror and go dump core - things done while they still debate interfaces
    • avoid touching the stinkin' crappy SAP GUI
    • just prove "it's possible"
    • bend and twist my OS to rendition
    • decorate myself with an aura of rare weirdness for using such an exotic tool
    • ... (to be continued)

    So, little useful stuff, except where needed. (update) Needed things:

    • tools for de-centralized management of centralized DNS and DHCP resources (think QIP)
    • glueing handles to SAP
    • directory (as in X.400, LDAP etc) munging
    • ... (to be continued)


    _($_=" "x(1<<5)."?\n".q·/)Oo.  G°\        /
                                  /\_¯/(q    /
    ----------------------------  \__(m.====·.(_("always off the crowd"))."·
    ");sub _{s./.($e="'Itrs `mnsgdq Gdbj O`qkdq")=~y/"-y/#-z/;$e.e && print}
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by Sixtease (Friar) on Nov 23, 2007 at 17:31 UTC

    (something tells me this thread will stick around for quite some time and will break some length records)

    I use Perl for my school and job duties, which is solving computational linguistics problems. That involves dealing with XML, manipulating text files, dealing with encoding issues, interacting with other programming languages (like R) and using mid-complex data structures.

    I actually use Perl for everything that needs programming and where I can use Perl. I found that since I started using Perl, there are more and more tools that I wrote among those I use. Whenever I do something regularly and it can be automated, it's time for some Perl. :-) These little thingies include a script for archiving mail from, a script for timed saving internet streams (good when you're not at home when there's your favorite radio show), and TK program for sorting photos that you get from your digital camera.

    I also recently started writing web apps in Perl.

    What I don't use Perl for is system administration. I got used to Bash and standard Unix tools long before Perl and I don't feel a need to switch (however, some Perl occurs more and more in my command pipes :-) and I have aliased grep to pcregrep )

      If you haven't seen it, do not deprive yourself of ack.

        My dear mother, this is wonderful! Thanks for the tip. ;-)
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by jhourcle (Prior) on Nov 23, 2007 at 17:50 UTC

    Processing, management and distribution of scientific data:

    • ingest : reading scientific format, extracting metadata, inserting into a database
    • searching : SOAP front-ends to search the database (both client and server)
    • browsing : web-based front ends to view browse products for the data
    • federated searching : search aggregation to search multiple archives from a single interface, and query translation at each archive
    • monitoring : making sure that the various processes (seem to be) running correctly
    • ordering : user makes a request, we generate tarballs/zip files on the fly, or save to disk and notify them where it is
    • reporting : generating metrics on usage (and some inputs need major cleaning first)
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by thezip (Vicar) on Nov 23, 2007 at 17:54 UTC

    I've written a set of scripts that perform/automate the monthly billing cycle for a large agency. The system inputs are quite diverse and definitely need the sort of glue that Perl provides.

    Inputs include:

    1. Printer log files from Solaris printer servers
    2. Printer log files from a proprietary Win2K3 printer server
    3. Log files from IBM mainframe servers
    4. A proprietary data collection application utilizing a MSSQL Server database
    5. A manually maintained MS Access database containing > 20000 records

    Since manual inputs are a big part of the system, it is important to validate that all data meets specified criteria and is complete.

    I also generate logfiles and exception reports to support manual review/update of faulty data.

    Your wish is my commandline.
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by GrandFather (Saint) on Nov 23, 2007 at 22:10 UTC

    I got into Perl about three years ago wanting to convert an HTML version of a Word document to TWiki format retaining links and tables and splitting the document into appropriate pages for the wiki in the process. Since then I've used Perl in a range of tasks including:

    • a range of scripts for an automated build system: validating HTML, validating dialog resources, checking version number consistency across projects, ... .
    • (to be completed next year) the whole build management system re-written in Perl (currently C++) to allow coordinated build management across multiple computers and Operating Systems and managed through a database backend.
    • a Tk application to draw teams for social games for a badminton club.
    • a Perl application for generating Windows .msi based installers for our next product release (and a support module soon to be released to CPAN).
    • An application that parses Microsoft Visual Studio compiler logs and presents an error summary using a tree control
    • Lots of tiny utility apps for all sorts of daily drudge work.
    • A very light weight emailing tool when our ISP decided spam could be prevented by limiting the recipient list for email to 20 addresses - which completely bollixed sending out a society newsletter I distribute.
    • A web application that calculates diets given isotope data from archaeological sites.

    and if any of these sound familiar, it's because many of them have appeared in some fashion in SOPW.

    Perl is environmentally friendly - it saves trees
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by SuicideJunkie (Vicar) on Nov 23, 2007 at 17:46 UTC

    I'm still new, so as far as CPU volume, I think I've used Perl most for an online budget and stock market server for a Play By Committee strategy game I'm running.

    It has a very high niftiness factor, since I was able to write the whole thing myself as a "Learn Perl project" with just a little bit of socket help from a template.

    It started out as a telnet program, with regexes to parse instructions like "buy 5000 radioactives at maxprice 250 minerals", and I expanded it into a webserver with colours and icons and buttons :) (works great under anything but certain versions of IE :P)

    And yes, I used strict, warnings, taint checking and paranoia right from the start

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by tuxz0r (Pilgrim) on Nov 23, 2007 at 17:43 UTC
    I use it for ETL processing as well (*wink,wink*). Basically it's batch file processing, N number of files come into a system, we processes them performing any filtering/transformations/etc, and then load the resulting record set into a database. I work constantly in *nix land, so perl also comes out in my bag of command line tricks, which prior to Perl, was heavily awk and sed.

    I've used Perl in the past to manage web applications, CGI and plain ol' dynamic web sites. I use it in maintenance mode now, since I run an installation of Bugzilla at our office.

    echo S 1 [ Y V U | perl -ane 'print reverse map { $_ = chr(ord($_)-1) } @F;'
    Warning: Any code posted by tuxz0r is untested, unless otherwise stated, and is used at your own risk.

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by glide (Pilgrim) on Nov 23, 2007 at 17:58 UTC
    I'm using Perl for SNMP Collection, mostly from network elements, RRDs update, and basic CGIs to see the data collected. I also use it to make automatic configuration in network elements, using CLI :-p, SNMP, etc.
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by ait (Hermit) on Nov 24, 2007 at 17:26 UTC
    This is the story of my professional life:

    I always offer the solution to my clients in Perl first. Many times they say Java and I respectfully walk away...

    They are usually bewildered by this and ask me to sit down. I explain to them that I am unwilling to work with Java and prefer Perl, two hands down. It caches their curiosity, and many times they believe me but still insist that I can't do it in Perl (arguing about the lack of Perl programmers). If they comprimise for PHP or Ruby, Lisp or C, I take the job.

    As a side note, PHP is actually a good thing for Perl. It is very popular and it gives you the opportunity to sell Perl as the real thing ;-) . It is much easier to evangelize a PHP crowd than a Java one.

    During the project, the use Perl becomes inevitable, of course ;-] So I start by making Perl scrips that make the project more and more dependent on Perl (meaning I get at least CPAN installed on the company servers, this is a major victory!). ETL is usually a good place to start, I mean, every project requires some sort of data transformation and loading.

    Load testing is usually another place where I plant the Perl seed. Stuff like www mechanize and alike usually do the trick. Little by little I evangelize the client on Perl, whilst the Java freaks start pulling all the papers and studies on how Perl is dead and Pathfinder uses Java and all that crap. I don't usually fight them directly, but with impresive results, which the Java teams rarely accomplish. Meanwhile, Perl silently spreads like weed...

    In the end I end up using at least 30% Perl in every project, hoping that next time I'm called to the negotiation table I will have a chance to do a pure Perl project. Has happened only once in the past 2 years, but I am sure that my strategy will have its fruit eventually.

    Oh, and BTW, I don't do Windows projects either.
      That's much like the story of my professional life as well, save that I mostly deal in smallish projects which tend to be requested in PHP, so I say "I can do that faster, better, and cheaper in Perl" and they generally say "OK", so I rarely have to actually write/modify PHP code more often than once every couple months and can stick with Perl aside from that.

      As for what I do with Perl...

      • Web apps
      • Logfile analysis
      • Dynamic firewall rules based on what's found in those logfiles
      • User accounting and workstation management for an internet cafe
      • Web scraping
      • Spam header analysis
      • Scanning for "hidden messages" via equidistant letter spacing
      • Automating system administration
      • Fun
      • Profit
      • Impressing the hell out of the ladies clients

      I'm totally with you on the Java and PHP front. We spent several months trying to bring Java into the mix. We've spent twice that trying to get rid of it completely. (nearly there). Java was a disaster for what we were doing.

      All I wanted were some simple web pages talking to a database. I brought in very highly recommended Java experts. They had me with Hibernate and Springs and a host of other things (including using Eclipse as an editor). I asked them to do a few pages. The pages worked and then they showed me how many files were involved in the process. I nearly gagged. It was WAY over-engineered.

      We pitched that and went with PHP and cranked out the app even with the delay we suffered from trying to go the Java route.

      I'm not trying to dis Java. I just know it isn't for me, and I can usually out-code a Java person in terms of time and robustness. The only 'selling' point Java has in my company over Perl is that Java has become 'The Standard' (tm) so we have a million so-so java developers we can throw on a project. *sigh*

      Good luck with the perl evangelizing. I hope it pays off in the end. Oh, and I haven't had to do anything in Windows for 10yrs+.

      I used to drive a Heisenbergmobile, but every time I looked at the speedometer, I got lost.
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by Muggins (Pilgrim) on Nov 23, 2007 at 19:23 UTC

    Yep, ETL, log-file reading, dynamic web pages. Even Windows GUIs for myself and my colleagues.

    Batch scripts too, and utility modules for sorting and printing out hashes nicely in 15 different ways - it's remarkable the number of fiddly, repetitive jobs Perl has helped me automate.

    It gets to the point where you tie your shoelaces and think "Hmm - wasting time here. Surely a CPAN module.."

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by codeacrobat (Chaplain) on Nov 24, 2007 at 08:41 UTC
    I'd say we all use perl for fun :-) That beeing said. I use perl pretty much for anything to keep the swiss army knife sharp and useful.
    An incomplete list of my current uses for perl:

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by tilly (Archbishop) on Nov 24, 2007 at 00:53 UTC
    I've done a lot of things in the past, but today mostly reporting.

    Well actually I use a mix of Perl and SQL. Most of the logic is in the SQL. But I need an interface between the SQL and the rest of the world, and the framework that interface lives in is all written in Perl.

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by GammaRay Rob (Friar) on Nov 24, 2007 at 16:55 UTC
    Science. I was told that perl was no good for numerics (handling floats, etc.), so I took that as a challenge. The system we've designed is almost all pure perl (TM?): it reads in binary housekeeping and instrument data from our experiment and outputs science-ready binary data on the output side. All the while, it keeps track of the data with heavy use of DBD::mysql. I like the rich set of tools that perl offers (OOP, closures, ties, for example), without forcing you to use any of them (I'm looking at you, Python!). Oh, and there is some web stuff there too...

    Gamma-Ray Rob
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by TStanley (Canon) on Nov 23, 2007 at 23:02 UTC
    Most of the scripts I've written are in the system administration category, as well as several scripts to parse out large text files. Now days, I'm using it primarily on Windows to automate the printing of several(170+) system reports on a daily basis.

    People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. -- George Orwell
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by Danikar (Novice) on Nov 23, 2007 at 17:24 UTC
    I use it primarily for processing custom log files. And also a few scripts I have done do form processing.
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by igelkott (Priest) on Nov 24, 2007 at 13:50 UTC
    As an extra duty, I had to manage a large, overly-complex web-based application on Windows IIS with Oracle and asp. Naturally (for me at least), I turned to LAMP. Perl (and the other tools) helped me develop my own system without disturbing the ugly application on the Windows server. Tying the two together was a simple as writing Perl scripts that used both DBD:mysql and DBD:Oracle to push and pull data in and out of my applications.

    Now that we have a real DBA (I'm really just a scientist), the tables may all migrate to the Oracle server but the Perl scripts will remain with only a few changes. Turning to LAMP can all be written off as my own unwillingness to devote my life to WIOA (Windows, IIS, Oracle, ASP) but using Perl helped me reserve a little time for my real job.

    Even after the migration, Perl will always be my choice for manipulation of large amounts of data in and out of databases and large, proprietary scientific applications.

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by bingos (Vicar) on Nov 24, 2007 at 09:44 UTC

    Anything and everything >:o)

    But mostly networking with POE

    And Windows system administration using Win32::OLE

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by CountZero (Bishop) on Nov 25, 2007 at 10:25 UTC
    Parsing insurance statistics in a variety of different formats and file-types and storing the data in a MySQL database with DBIx::Class.

    Publishing these data on a web-server with Catalyst.

    Running all kind of statistical tests on this data and publishing it with LaTeX (of course a Perl script using Template Toolkit writes the LaTeX file).

    Lots of little tasks which IT cannot be bothered with and which are already finished before they have looked into it and found one more "Tool" to do it with (rather than learn a proper programming language).


    A program should be light and agile, its subroutines connected like a string of pearls. The spirit and intent of the program should be retained throughout. There should be neither too little or too much, neither needless loops nor useless variables, neither lack of structure nor overwhelming rigidity." - The Tao of Programming, 4.1 - Geoffrey James

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by johngg (Canon) on Nov 25, 2007 at 16:00 UTC
    I started using Perl about 10 years ago in my job as a Solaris systems administrator. Naturally, a lot of what I have written is in the line of simple utility scripts to make the job easier but there have been a few more complex tasks over the years.

    • A script to emulate tar in order to rescue some data archived from a PrimOS box supposedly in tar format. Unfortunately, all the filenames had been truncated to 14 characters in the archive which meant that many filenames were identical and files were being overwritten when extracted using /usr/bin/tar. This was my first *big* script.

    • A script to find duplicate files in multiple directories recursively.

    • A GUI script using Tk to check my lottery tickets. The script works much better than the tickets, sadly ;-(

    • A script to synchronize a partition between two machines using FTP.

    • A module to replace File::Find by something with a nicer interface. Seems to work ok on Solaris and Linux, will try and get it working on Windoze one day.

    • Various ad hoc scripts to help people out of difficulties. They are usually amazed at how quickly Perl can solve the problem, (most work in house is Java).

    Having started with Fortran IV and Cobol, moving on through PDP-11 assembler then C and Fortran 77, I am still amazed after ten years how Perl can cover so many bases and make my life so much easier and more enjoyable.



Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by narainhere (Monk) on Nov 24, 2007 at 08:01 UTC
    I use perl for writing scripts to implement rules in Software configuration Management System . Most of the times my scripts interact with the SCM tool Clearcase!And also for the very obvious, preparing ***Reports***

    The world is so big for any individual to conquer

      My corporate overlords require the use of ClearCase ™ but we wise and genlte serfs use subversions for our day-to-day operations. We use ClearCase when we have to. And that's when we deploy to production. So have you got some recommendations for perl + ClearCase integration?

      I used to drive a Heisenbergmobile, but every time I looked at the speedometer, I got lost.
        Yeah I am acquainted with Perl+CC intergration.Throw something lemme see how good I am :[

        The world is so big for any individual to conquer

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by dwm042 (Priest) on Nov 24, 2007 at 16:12 UTC
    At home I use perl to scrape web pages, and to calculate NFL statistics.. At work we use it do handle file transmissions on a pretty large scale and we do a little database manipulation as well.

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by Anonymous Monk on Nov 23, 2007 at 23:53 UTC
    Downloading all of Sun's Page 3 girls?
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by skazat (Chaplain) on Nov 25, 2007 at 08:57 UTC
    A whole lot of artwork.


    -justin simoni
    skazat me

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by RaptorRex (Acolyte) on Nov 26, 2007 at 04:45 UTC
    I've been perling since 95. Mostly web stuff and utilities for various purposes.

    Uses I remember:

    • web backend. I've never touched PHP in my life.
    • windows desktop scripts for all types of file manipulations and anything else I can automate (ex: rename all files to this mask)
    • image processing where I need to get down to the byte level of files like TIFF and PDF.
    • simple data migrations
    • ETL
    • scrapping
    • learning regex about 5 years before any of the Window dev drones even heard of it.
    I don't try to squeeze perl into any projects but for satisfying requirements in data manipulation it has always been the best choice if it doesn't have to be distributed.
      I have been using Perl since 2 yrs.
      And I managed to imagine a soln for any requirement at work, with Perl.
      I have been writing utility scripts that ease my work.
      So I use it for:
      > automate tasks
      > parsing log files
      > parsing excel, xml files
      > generating excel files (reports basically)
      > utility scripts (eg. play mp3 files)
      The best was, a framework developed using only Perl to automate testing of Video Streaming.

      I am amazed at the options Perl offers you to give a soln.

      Truly, "You more than one way to do anything, with Perl"

Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by goibhniu (Hermit) on Nov 26, 2007 at 19:43 UTC

    At work:

    • Configurtation management automation (deployment control, et al. with CA Allfusion Harvest Change Manager)
    • System administration
    • Test scripting

    At home:

    • Cryptography hobby (See brief discussion on my home node)
    • My daughter is doing a Science fair project on the affects of Caffeine on Memory and needed several lists of random numbers. I got exactly what she needed in a Perl one-liner and redirected straigiht to the printer. It was 10 minutes including the time to download Activestate.

    I humbly seek wisdom.
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by sfink (Deacon) on Nov 27, 2007 at 05:46 UTC
    I'll try to stick to the more unusual things, since most of what I do with Perl is pretty vanilla.
    • Processing camera input
    • Generating graphical OpenGL output (OpenGL::Simple, attempting to use OpenGL, a few others)
    • Processing SDL events (keyboard, mouse)
    • Sending and receiving automated Jabber messages (Net::Chat::Daemon) to monitor autobuild system, wiki edits, manual builds, etc.
    • Interfacing between C++, JavaScript, and Flash code
    • Monitoring revision control systems and running checks, sending out commit messages, figuring out who to blame for the commit(s) that broke the automated build, etc.
    • Implementing Perl-style "regular" expressions with backends in Perl5, Parrot, and C.
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by Joost (Canon) on Nov 27, 2007 at 19:15 UTC
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by ack (Deacon) on Dec 12, 2007 at 18:02 UTC

    From time to time I wonder that, too. Here's my somewhat shy reply...being just a newbie to the Monks.

    I have been using Perl for about 4 years now. I am a Chief Sys Engineer building and flying satellites.

    Our satellite integration and testing teams have (for several years before I got involved with Perl) used Perl to script and automate their testing to confirm that our satellites are ready to go into space. I got involved in Perl just to understand what my I&T teams were doing...and I got hooked.

    We use the same ground systems for testing that we also use to fly the satellites and I am also one of many Flight Directors for flying the satellites. I realized that the same scripts that we used for testing could, with a little modifications, enhance and improve our on-orbit oversight and management of the satellites. We have since begun using Perl as a tool to much more flexibly and fluidly manage some of our on-orbit operations.

    I am not much of a programmer, so I try to utilize some of our Perl gurus to do most of the script development work. But I dabble and do some of my own, too.

    The Perl language's ability to rapidly prototype, try little ideas or snippets of code, often it's compactness, and its cross-platform portability (which allows us, often, to prototype ideas on PCs and then implement them on Solaris workstations) makes Perl ideal and, certainly, it is our language-of-choice.

    None of our scripts are very complicated and none but a few are more than 50 lines of code (typically). The power and expressiveness of Perl has allowed us, even with such small scripts, to implement some pretty powerful capabilities. For example, one such script is a meta-interpreter that allows our flight controllers to specify functional spacecraft activities (e.g., "go to this place and do this within such-and-such constraints") and auto-generate the spacecraft command loads (often several hundred commands) for the satellite that are auto-verified, repeatedble, and reliable...a task that used to take my controllers over a day or two. They can do the same task in only a few minutes.

    Perl has become "my (and our) friend" and contributes to satellite test and operations for us.

    ack Albuquerque, NM

      As a side note to my reply, one of the "challenges" of using Perl is that, in our environment, we can't bring in "external code" (i.e., code that we, ourselves, haven't generated) other than the Perl distrubition package itself.

      The consequence of most pain to us is that we can't really avail ourselves of rich set of tools from CPAN...a most distressful situation...but our security and strict configuration controls necessitate this sad state of affairs.

      However all is not entirely lost, as we *can* bring in code we've developed and/or tested ourselves. That is the paradigm that allows to, for example, develop and test code on the PC and then port to the Solaris.

      So, we can, for example, download CPAN modules, test them, develop with them and then port them over to the Solaris and simply include them (in the form of saving them in the same directory as our scripts as *.pm files) as we do the libraries that we, ourselves, have created.

      That works surprisingly well most of the time but it has the disadvantage of being libraries that are not "installed" in Perl...i.e., that aren't automatically gathered together with their other "required modules" and made automatically known to our apps.

      So we have to do the painful task of figuring out all of the "required modules" and then figuring out all of those modules' "required modules", etc. and then loading them into our app's directory(ies)... actually we have a standard library directory that all of our apps know to use and is in our path statements.

      Hence, we tend to only use the CPAN modules that meet our needs AND that don't require any other modules (at least any other than the ones that come pre-packaged with the Perl distribution).

      Unfortunately, of late, we have found a couple of CPAN modules that we'd really like to use...but they seem to have an unending "deep-dive" set of "required modules". That is a real "frowny face" for us.

      ack Albuquerque, NM
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by phenom (Chaplain) on Nov 26, 2007 at 13:52 UTC
    I write a lot of gui's with gtk2-perl, and lately I've been using DBD::Sqlite to database lots of things.
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by whakka (Hermit) on Nov 27, 2007 at 19:49 UTC
    Economics research. I had to learn Perl a few months ago to take over one of the prof's projects. Having had minimal past programming experience and just going through the Llama book, I now use it in many, many tasks since I basically sit around and manipulate data all day. Just recently I used perl to get all the public sex offender data in Pennsylvania. I then geocoded the addresses and assigned Census boundaries to each m*fer so we can see how their presence impacts housing choices and prices.
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by educated_foo (Vicar) on Nov 30, 2007 at 01:23 UTC
    Bioinformatics. I use it as an interactive shell (within Emacs via Sepia) to sling text into and out of my own programs and others'. I also do a bit of data exploration in Perl itself -- it's plenty fast if you're clever with regexps and the bitwise string operators.
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by rahed (Scribe) on Nov 26, 2007 at 21:34 UTC
    These are my areas of using Perl:

  • dbd access to Oracle, SQLite, MySQL databases and excel files
  • a system with SOAP server/client which interfaces other systems and runs remote scripts for data analysis
  • a simple Catalyst framework for the before mentioned system
  • crontab run scripts for reporting (mails, snmp traps)
  • Tk and gtk2 gui applications
Re: So Whatcha use perl for anyway?
by Anonymous Monk on Nov 27, 2007 at 14:13 UTC
    I'm kinda new to Perl, but I use it for simply scripts that automate administrative tasks, such as backing up files via FTP, or checking that a program is running well. BTW, first post :)
      It was me answering. For some reason, I wasn't logged on ...

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