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Perl5.8.0 and Perl5.8.8 coexists, how to use Perl 5.8.8

by marscld (Beadle)
on Dec 14, 2007 at 04:28 UTC ( [id://656981]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

marscld has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Dear Monks, I've run into an issue with different version of Perl.Basically, the Solaris system owns Perl 5.8.0. For an request, a CGI::Session-4.20 is needed, but it can not be installed smoothly by perl Makefile.PL. However, a Perl5.8.8 is installed into a different directoy from Perl 5.8.0. Using /new_perl5.8.8_dir/usr/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL command will let the installation moving on. And CGI::Session-4.20 is installed successfully. The question is that a few cgi file would use the sesssion module, and it would need Perl5.8.8 as its running environment. How do I modify the code to let specified cgi files to invoke CGI::Session correctly ? Could you pls help on this ?
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use CGI qw/:standard/; use lib '/home/sdbadmin/PerlModule'; use CGI::Session; my $cgi_obj = new CGI(); my $session = new CGI::Session() or die CGI::Session->errstr;

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Perl5.8.0 and Perl5.8.8 coexists, how to use Perl 5.8.8
by Joost (Canon) on Dec 14, 2007 at 04:47 UTC
Re: Perl5.8.0 and Perl5.8.8 coexists, how to use Perl 5.8.8
by tachyon-II (Chaplain) on Dec 14, 2007 at 04:57 UTC

    Possibly the most convenient way to have multiple concurent versions of Perl available is to create a symlink so that /usr/bin/perl588 points to your Perl 5.8.8 install /new_perl5.8.8_dir/usr/local/bin/perl.

    ln -s /new_perl5.8.8_dir/usr/local/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl588 Then you just need to do #!/usr/bin/perl588 to use it in a script and perl588 Makefile.PL
    to do the install of CGI::Session into the 5.8.8 version of Perl. All your 5.8.0 stuff remains unchanged so nothing old should break.
      As someone who does a lot of sysadmin work, I like to keep the OS directories as sacrosanct as possible. I think using PATH and an alias (for interactive shell use) make more sense.
Re: Perl5.8.0 and Perl5.8.8 coexists, how to use Perl 5.8.8
by perlfan (Parson) on Dec 14, 2007 at 05:29 UTC
    You can also put the perl you want first in your PATH, then use PERL5LIB to point to the proper module directories...this is how I manage multiple instances of perl, anyway.
Re: Perl5.8.0 and Perl5.8.8 coexists, how to use Perl 5.8.8
by ph0enix (Friar) on Dec 19, 2007 at 09:10 UTC
    I think that it will be enough to change first line to
    It is about six years ago when I work as Perl developer. I needed to test all new code for running with different versions of Perl. I've installed different perl versions to /opt/perl-${VERSION} so the system wide perl which was required for base system administration remain untouched. In addition I wrote a short application in C and save it as /usr/bin/perl_parallel. Perl_parallel read preferred Perl version from file .perl_version in user $HOME and executed script under correct Perl interpreter. There was also script use_perl for querying and updating .perl_version file. If someone is interested in the perl_parallel C source code, it can be found in C/C++ programming forum on server (page is in Czech).

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