You could also use XML::Rules instead of XML::Simple as it gives you more detailed control over what data structure gets generated.
Something like:
use XML::Rules;
# at least 0.22 (for the stripspaces)
# see
my $parser = XML::Rules->new(
rules => [
Text => 'content',
Entry => 'as array',
Report => 'pass',
Other => sub {return delete($_[1]->{name}) => $_[1]},
stripspaces => 3,
my $data = $parser->parse(\*DATA);
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper($data);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<Report address="Address" name="IM Report" productID="INTRFC-MGR01">
<Entry detail="4" name="e_im_dev_io_entry">
<Text>Device Handle: 2</Text>
<Entry detail="4" name="e_im_dev_io_entry">
<Text>Device Handle: 5</Text>
<Other detail="4" name="first">
<Text>Device Handle: 5</Text>
<Other detail="4" name="second">
<Text>Device Handle: 5</Text>
It doesn't try to guess as XML::Simple does so it's more work though. (In not yet released 0.23 the rule for the Other tag will be just Other => 'by name',.)