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Re^2: Free Perl IDE for a begginer

by karpatov (Beadle)
on Jan 12, 2008 at 13:18 UTC ( [id://662055]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Free Perl IDE for a begginer
in thread Free Perl IDE for a begginer

Thanks for reply.
I will have a look at those tools.

I already asked some question a few days ago and got many useful suggestions just during a few hours. In fact the nice stance towards the beginners I experienced is one of the reason why I am considering learning some Perl although its syntax is really scaring for me (especially when I saw a few code chunks written by Perl and Python side by side :-)). karpatov

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Re^3: Free Perl IDE for a begginer
by fenLisesi (Priest) on Jan 12, 2008 at 13:41 UTC
    Perl often lets you code the way you want to code and it is easy to abuse that, especially for the kind of "comparison" that you mentioned. It should be easy to provide counter examples. If you are concerned about how "standard" your code will look, you may want to

    • use strict;
    • use warnings;
    • get suggestions from Perl::Critic
    • get indentation and other formatting help from perltidy

    Actually, the first two are more like you should, no matter what you want, until you become an expert.

    Keep the questions coming. Cheers.

      you may want to

      use strict;
      use warnings;
      Actually, the first two are more like you should, no matter what you want, until you become an expert.

      And afterwards.

      Software speaks in tongues of man; I debug, therefore I code.
      Stop saying 'script'. Stop saying 'line-noise'.

Re^3: Free Perl IDE for a begginer
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 15, 2008 at 19:15 UTC
    try the ptkdb debugger ptkdb found at I run it as follows: perl -d:ptkdb Terence
      Well... I've been looking for an IDE too. For a few years I have used PSPad to edit my scripts. It has good syntax highlighting and nice little features here and there. But I can't make it execute the scripts in a practical way. Let alone debugging... So I tried Eclipse + EPIC. Full of features. Surely powerful. But again, not practical. Just to start, I can't open a script by double-clicking on it in Explorer. As I probably do that 30~50 times a day, I'm sure I won't stand it for more than a few days. Open Perl IDE: nice interface, good features. Not as good an editor as Eclipse or PSPad, but good enough, I guess. I think I only miss the bracket highlighting of PSPad. A nice touch is the parameter line (for command-line arguments), next to the console, very easy to access. However, it doesn't seem to manage code snippets, and it has a nasty habit of creating a *.vpd file for each *.pl file I open. Overtime, my system will get cluttered with so many *.vpd files. It also hasn't been updated for quite a few years. Perl Express: used to be paid for, now it's free. Editor seems to be very similar to Open Perl IDE. But it supports code snippets and doesn't seem to create anything in my disc upon file opening. However, to enter command-line arguments, I have to open a menu, which is kind of annoying. The Open Perl IDE solution for this is way better. All three have an integrated debugger. I haven't tested them a lot, but I don't think I need anything better. Looks like they can all execute my scripts step-by-step and show me STDOUT and variable contents. That's enough for me. In summary: I'm inclined to try Perl Express for a while. Until I manage to run and debug with PSPad. Or until I get Open Perl IDE not to create (useless?) files in my discs. VMat
        Just found another annoyance in Perl Express - from time to time it requires me to "visit the sponsor's website". Besides, I finally figured out how to compile and debug with PsPad. By "debug" here I mean to check out STDOUT/STDERR and go from log window to the code window in a click (based on line number pointed out by Perl.exe). Nothing fancy, but enough for the moment. For those who are interested, change the "LOG Parser" option in Highlighter Settings to something like "* line %L, near". I guess I'm staying with PsPad, after all. VMat

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