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When building web apps, I:

by mattk (Pilgrim)
on Feb 02, 2008 at 06:06 UTC ( [id://665707]=poll: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Vote on this poll

bang two rocks together
[bar] 92/23%
use a little CGI, lots of raw HTML
[bar] 40/10%
use CGI and templates
[bar] 68/17%
use a framework (Catalyst, CGI::Application, etc)
[bar] 90/23%
am entangled at a quantum level with Perl, Apache, HTML, CSS and JS
[bar] 108/27%
398 total votes
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: When building web apps, I:
by matija (Priest) on Feb 02, 2008 at 18:46 UTC

    use CGI and templates if the application has a single page. As soon as there are several pages involved, I switch to Catalyst.

    For the actual writing of code, I use butterflies (, naturally ;-)





      I was gonna say butterflies too. Love the butterflies!

      mr greywolf
Re: When building web apps, I:
by kyle (Abbot) on Feb 02, 2008 at 15:01 UTC
    ...write my own framework (and then kick myself later).
      You too? I still have not finished it, so I kick my $self later...
Re: When building web apps, I:
by starX (Chaplain) on Feb 02, 2008 at 16:18 UTC
    Honestly, it all depends on how complex (pictures + blogs + movies + forms + text vs. text and a few pictures) the site needs to be, and how adventurous I have time to be. Most of the time there's probably a more elegant way of doing it, but finding a way that works that meets the needs of the project tends to be my first concern. That said, I am something of a minimalist...
Re: When building web apps, I:
by ww (Archbishop) on Feb 02, 2008 at 14:06 UTC
    bang a chisel against one (flat) rock....
Re: When building web apps, I:
by rgiskard (Hermit) on Feb 02, 2008 at 18:55 UTC
    ... give up and rely on wiki technology (e.g. Kwiki).
Re: When building web apps, I:
by olus (Curate) on Feb 03, 2008 at 12:48 UTC

    ... can't stop thinking that this is the area where Perl is being given less consideration and popularizing other languages.

    People either find Perl to hard to learn, or the potential /possibilities/alternatives aren't being well publicized.

      For years, I'd been using Perl as a glue language and system administration helper. But (even though I came here fairly often) I was using PHP for my web stuff. I didn't even really think about Perl as an option, and I reinvented many wheels.

      Now that I've discovered CGI::Application / HTML::Template, I use 'em for pretty much everything.

Re: When building web apps, I:
by zentara (Cardinal) on Feb 03, 2008 at 18:32 UTC
    To be serious( and I am just an amateur web programmer, who, always builds from scratch), the first thing I do is decide whether I can use frames, or whether to use a tables layout( it seems tables are favored nowadays).

    Next I decide whether it's worth setting up templates for outputting html, or to just generate the complete html dynamically each hit.

    If I was a better web programmer, I probably would first decide if I could/should be using mod_perl, instead of direct cgi.

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. Cogito ergo sum a bum
Re: When building web apps, I:
by cosmicperl (Chaplain) on Feb 03, 2008 at 17:42 UTC
    Planning on using CGI::Framework for my next project mostly due to the internationalization support.

    Update: Ended up using CGI::Application and coding a plugin for it instead ;)
Re: When building web apps, I: ($q->p())
by tye (Sage) on Feb 04, 2008 at 20:31 UTC

    What? No option for using to generate the HTML? I'm sure that option would be "popular".

    - tye        

Re: When building web apps, I:
by stonecolddevin (Parson) on Feb 04, 2008 at 21:56 UTC

    Good Lawd Catalyst, please.

    I'll spend the hour or so taking the time to install, configure my environment, and make sure everything is working. Takes much less time to create a robust web app with, and what I DON'T need Catalyst for I use CGI::Application (which ends up being ported to Catalyst anyway :-) )

    Makes for an easy way to get FastCGI going, have nice looking URLs, and build and build and build and build to your heart's desire. Not to mention it makes ACLs SUPER easy and your code is much more consistent (or at least as the chance to be more consistent).


Re: When building web apps, I:
by tubaandy (Deacon) on Feb 04, 2008 at 16:27 UTC
    I use very small rocks. They float. :)

    And there was much rejoicing. Yay.

Re: When building web apps, I:
by wolfger (Deacon) on Feb 04, 2008 at 19:11 UTC
Re: When building web apps, I:
by goibhniu (Hermit) on Feb 05, 2008 at 15:32 UTC

    . . . and thanks to pollsters for the new poll. I was worried the world was coming to an end.

    #my sig used to say 'I humbly seek wisdom. '. Now it says:
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    I humbly seek wisdom.
Re: When building web apps, I:
by blue_cowdawg (Monsignor) on Feb 04, 2008 at 20:39 UTC

    I use the right tool(s) for the job. It all depends on the application and what I'm trying to accomplish.

    The on over-riding requirement that I've always insisted on in any web application that I am involved in writing is that what the browser sees is as platform neutral as practical. I certainly eschew things like Front Page extensions, Java Applets, Active X and other outrages.

    Main reason I put Java Applets into that group is because of the various issues I've stumbled across over the years dealing with JRE and JVM differences.

    I'll use JavaScript where I have to but it is a PITA dealing with browser differences so I try and minimize its use to the basics.

    CSS layout where possible/practical and again with as much browser neutrality as possible. In some cases in the past I've had to employ CSS hacks to deal with various bugs in browsers to get things to work evenly across browsers.

    And I haven't really mentioned a particular language or preferred server platform. :-)

    Peter L. Berghold -- Unix Professional
    Peter -at- Berghold -dot- Net; AOL IM redcowdawg Yahoo IM: blue_cowdawg
Re: When building web apps, I:
by nimdokk (Vicar) on Feb 06, 2008 at 17:14 UTC
    Ask a spider for help. :-)
Re: When building web apps, I:
by samizdat (Vicar) on Feb 04, 2008 at 12:58 UTC
    Lots of CGI and MySQL... used to use EmbPerl and loved it, but I'm now hosting on an outside service.

    Don Wilde
    "There's more than one level to any answer."
Re: When building web apps, I:
by papidave (Pilgrim) on Feb 06, 2008 at 16:22 UTC
    ... use a lot of Perl CGI, to generate a modest amount of raw HTML. But that option wasn't available. :(


Re: When building web apps, I:
by punch_card_don (Curate) on Feb 06, 2008 at 17:08 UTC
    ...he became entangled with a beautiful Apache, which was the catalyst for him banging his two rocks together until they were raw...
Re: When building web apps, I:
by gregor42 (Parson) on Feb 05, 2008 at 20:26 UTC
    "... we'll be saying a big hello to all intelligent life forms everywhere ... and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys." - A broadcast on sub-etha radio, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Wait! This isn't a Parachute, this is a Backpack!
Re: When building web apps, I:
by jszinger (Scribe) on Oct 27, 2020 at 15:25 UTC
    Cargo cult from Matt’s script archive. :-)
Re: When building web apps, I:
by atemon (Chaplain) on Feb 08, 2008 at 04:27 UTC
Re: When building web apps, I:
by apl (Monsignor) on Feb 08, 2008 at 16:24 UTC
    Web Apps? Who writes Web Apps? Daemons don't need a Web front-end...

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