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Problem with IPC::Open2 when STDOUT/STDERR are redirectedby jeanluca (Deacon) |
on Feb 28, 2008 at 12:59 UTC ( [id://670899]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
jeanluca has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Dear Monks I have a problem with a module which uses IPC::Open2. Normally this module works but when I wrap it in the following code it doesn't: This will make sure that everything printed by $module is redirected to $out. Here is what's going on in MyModule Everything printed by some_prog is now redirected to $out and not to @prog_out. Any suggestions how to fix this ? Cheers LuCa ps the main code is part of a cgi script, so I need to catch everything printed by $module, because it is not part of what the users want to see! Update:sorry tye, you're right. You've said it to me before!! The problem was that there were other modules involved which did things like I've fixed this and now I can do Thnx!!
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