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Re: Regex error when [] occurs in file..

by moritz (Cardinal)
on Mar 03, 2008 at 15:38 UTC ( [id://671666]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Regex error when [] occurs in file..

if ($temp =~ /#/){ $temp =~ s/#$'//; }

That's what's causing the problem: $' can contain arbitrary data, but you try to treat it as a regex.

The "good" solution is to use this regex instead: $temp =~ s/#.*$//;

In general you can also quote interpolated variables, then they are treated as text, not as regexes:

my $varaible = '[a-z]'; m/\Q$variable\E/ # matches literal [a-z], not a character class.

If you're not inside a regex, quotemeta does the same job.

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Re^2: Regex error when [] occurs in file..
by CountZero (Bishop) on Mar 03, 2008 at 17:12 UTC
    If you would happen to have the '#' character inside a (single or double) quoted string in your config file (I don't know if the specs for your config-file even allow this) then the s/#.*$// regex will cause you trouble as it will delete all of the string starting with the '#' character. That is probably not what you want.

    It is not easy to take care of this: not even Regexp::Common gets it right.


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