Some interesting nodes I refer to from time to time:
- Alternatives to Taint Checking?
- Named function arguments
- perltidy
- Damian Conway's ten rules for when to use OO
- Refactoring
- Refactoring: Soft-code class name in factory method
- (code) Just Another Net::FTP Script
- Array One-liners
- Perl Monks Snippets Index
- Validate links on a given node
- PerlMonks Statistical page
- Other User locator
- What XML generators are currently available on PerlMonks?
- Most Often Mentioned Modules
- Name Space
- DBI [http://www.perldoc.com/cpan/DBI.html|DBI]
- list of activestate ppd archives [id://147012|list of activestate ppd archives]
- Devel::Dprof is your friend [id://101786]
- Reading in files in chunks instead of line-by-line [id://165083|Reading in files in chunks instead of line-by-line]
- overkill anti-caching CGI headers [id://239698]
- Infrequently asked questions about Perl [http://perl.plover.com/IAQ/IAQlist.html|Infrequently asked questions about Perl]
- Perl Singletons [id://183417]
- Perl and UTF-8 [http://www.justatheory.com/computers/programming/perl/utf8_trials.html|Perl and UTF-8]
Links for new monks
- How to RTFM [id://78752]
- How to get the most of your question from the monks [id://86640]
- New Monks [id://87097]
- The CGI Help Guide [id://93867]
- Ovid's CGI tutorial [http://users.easystreet.com/ovid/cgi_course/|Ovid's CGI tutorial]
- Simple Module Tutorial [id://102347]
- Use strict warnings and diagnostics or die [id://87628]
- A Guide to Installing Modules [id://128077]
- What is truth? (Curiosity corner) [id://133554]
- How do I flush/unbuffer an output filehandle? Why must I do this? [id://644]
- Merlyn's 404 Error handling script for Apache [http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/WebTechniques/col10.html| Merlyn's 404 Error handling script for Apache]
- Choosing a HTML Templating System [http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2001/08/21/templating.html|Choosing a HTML Templating System]
- Avoid symbolic references [http://perl.plover.com/varvarname.html|Avoid symbolic references]
- Activestate perl docs [http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Perl/Reference/Products/ASPNTOC-ACTIVEPERL|Activestate perl docs]
- Chatterbox Clients [id://15870]
- (OBE) Level Powers [id://17375]
- USING HTML::Parser - a quick guide [http://www.gellyfish.com/htexamples/|USING HTML::Parser - a quick guide]
- Suffering from buffering [http://perl.plover.com/FAQs/Buffering.html|Suffering from buffering]
- Coping with Scoping [http://perl.plover.com/FAQs/Namespaces.html|Coping with Scoping]
- Understanding References [http://perl.plover.com/FAQs/references.html|Understanding References]
- intro to references [id://137108]
- References quick reference [id://69927]
- Is it Numeric [http://www.perl.com/doc/FMTEYEWTK/is_numeric.html|Is it Numeric]
- Death to Dot Star! [id://24640]
- Perl Gui programming for windows [id://108708|Perl Gui programming for windows]
- Basic Cookie Management [http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/WebTechniques/col61.html| Basic Cookie Management]
- Running commands in parallel [id://147112|Running commands in parallel]
- Too late for -T [id://22210|Too late for -T]
- Resorting to Sorting [id://128722]
- Schwartzian Transform [id://122028|Schwartzian Transform]
- Guttman Rosler Transform [id://145659|Guttman Rosler Transform]
- http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=dictionary&va=lookup-word [http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=dictionary&va=lookup-word]
- Web based password management (or how *not* to blame tye) [id://153931]
- undef'ing @arrays caveat [id://160710]
- Intro. to Perl Debugger [http://kw.pm.org/talks/0902-debugger/|Intro. to Perl Debugger]
- An informal introduction to O(N) notation [id://227909]
- Pack/Unpack Tutorial (aka How the System Stores Data) [id://224666]
- Schedule Win32 Perl Scripts with AT [id://217597]
- XML::Twig Tutorial [http://www.xmltwig.com/xmltwig/tutorial/|XML::Twig Tutorial]
- Beginners guide to File::Find [id://217166]
- Common Beginner Mistakes [id://46769]
- Japhy's Common Perl Pitfalls [http://japhy.perlmonk.org/articles/tpj/1999-summer.html|Japhy's Common Perl Pitfalls]
- Full page chat page [http://www.perlmonks.org/?node=3184&displaytype=raw]
- How do I post a question effectively? [id://174051]
- Juerd's Perl Cheat page [http://juerd.nl/site.plp/perlcheat|Juerd's Perl Cheat page]
- []
- Why questions go unanswered ? [http://perl.plover.com/Questions.html|Why questions go unanswered ?]
- What makes a bad question? [id://120486]
- Cool Tricks With Perl and Apache [http://stein.cshl.org/WWW/docs/handout.html|Cool Tricks With Perl and Apache]
- HowTo build and distribute a PPMed module for Win32 [id://113448]
- Fixed Point Numbers [id://407136]
- CGI Help Guide [id://165253]