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Re: My preference on serifs:

by sasdrtx (Friar)
on Apr 30, 2008 at 02:22 UTC ( [id://683599]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to My preference on serifs:

A few semi-random thoughts:
  1. Georgia is my favorite font. Vera Serif is second (although it's my browser default). This might hint at my vote.
  2. Mono-spaced serif fonts are ugly. Courier New is hideodeous*. Lucida Console replaces it wherever I need monospace.
  3. Verdana & Tahoma are nominally sans-serif, but serif capital I, and the numeral 1 (and Arial does the latter as well).
  4. Why should code be in a mono-spaced font? Because code started out on punched cards? Yes, it takes a huge number of spaces to indent. Maybe tabs are the answer.

*If you think I can't spell, maybe you haven't seen Wicked yet.


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