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Re^2: Polls on PM issues

by Nkuvu (Priest)
on Jul 14, 2008 at 15:54 UTC ( [id://697508]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Polls on PM issues
in thread Polls on PM issues

I agree with your first bit, but I don't agree that experience on Perlmonks should give greater weight to votes.

As of writing this node, I have a little over four thousand experience. However I have also not been able to spend much time on Perlmonks recently, and frankly many of the concerns voiced about Perlmonks itself don't interest me. I'm pretty satisfied with how things are.

The point is that even though I have thousands of XP, it's likely that there are lots of other monks with less experience who pay more attention to the issues, and spend more time on the site. Their vote should count just as much as mine.

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