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Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket

by szabgab (Priest)
on Jul 18, 2008 at 08:55 UTC ( [id://698541]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I know some of you will say it was a stupid idea to start writing it. This post is not for you.

It is for those who would like to have a cross platform, open source, easily extendable editor with integrated pod viewer, built-in refactoring tools and graphical debugger written in Perl.

I have started to write one and once it has a minimal set of feature I might be able to bribe Adam Kennedy to add it to Chocolate Perl.

So I am going to release the first version really soon but I'd like to have a name for it.

So this is a call for ideas on how to call it?

Please post your ideas here or in your blog and then send a link to me so I can link from my blog to the ideas.

If your suggestion is chosen I am going to buy you any of the books listed on or I can get you a an entrance ticket to one of the YAPCs or OSDCs.


Thanks for all the suggestions.

Padre released

  • Comment on Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket

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Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by marto (Cardinal) on Jul 18, 2008 at 10:02 UTC
    Sounds like a good idea, I'd be interested to see the results. So far I have come up with:

  • PDE: Perl Development Environment
  • PCODE: Perl Cross platform Open source Development Environment

  • Cheers,

Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by roboticus (Chancellor) on Jul 18, 2008 at 11:57 UTC

    YADE .... Yet Another Development Environment


    /me ducks and runs...
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by moritz (Cardinal) on Jul 18, 2008 at 09:26 UTC
    ++ for the idea and project.

    My humble name suggestions:

    • PerlDev
    • CPEN - Cross Platform Editor Nonsense
    • Yak - in allusion to Moose

    A friend of mine also suggested "uargh", short for "User assisted rubbish generation helper" ;-)

      Perhaps it should be ChocolateMoose then!
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by Herkum (Parson) on Jul 18, 2008 at 14:47 UTC

    Oyster of course. Because Perl's are created in them! :)

    OK, probably not the most marketable name, but I thought the association was appropriate...

      The world is my development environment...


      I personally believe this is interesting for it's very much in $Larry's spirit: in fact it would have a very strict etymological sense, for Perl "should" have been "Pearl" as we all know. However for some reason Perl's imagery has had little to do with pearls and oysters ever since: the official symbol is as we all know, an onion! Thus... how 'bout onion itself? We may even try to find some suitable backronym, but... is that all that necessary?

      Update: I notice that indeed there have been some other onion-oriented suggestions.

      If you can't understand the incipit, then please check the IPB Campaign.
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by Jenda (Abbot) on Jul 18, 2008 at 12:22 UTC

    If it's supposed to be part of Chocolate and Cocoa is already taken then either Milk or Sugar. I'd rather it was Milk. I'm sure someone will come up with a backronym ;-)

      It should be stand alone but hopefully it will be also integrated into Chocolate Perl.

      cute idea.

Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by dHarry (Abbot) on Jul 18, 2008 at 12:47 UTC

    I wouldn’t call it * stupid *, it’s probably a fun job and great learning experience:-) However it does seems like reinventing wheels… There are many IDE’s around all more (or less) supporting what you’re looking for. You will never find an IDE that is a 100% perfect.

    I myself use Eclipse, the EPIC plugin (open source Perl IDE based on the Eclipse platform) and the ActiveState Perl distribution. For me this is the winning team (I have to add that I am sort of forced to work with Windows XP). Of course if an IDE implemented in Java conflicts with your religion its end of story:-) After working with IBM’s WSAD I kind a stuck with Eclipse as I can use it for multiple programming languages.

    A name? How about IPDE Integrated Perl Development Environment?
    Looking forward to the release, I’ll give it a try.


      I for one am the kind of guy who sits around in vanilla EMACS or Textpad but would investigate something if it came bundled with my Perl distro.
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by leocharre (Priest) on Jul 18, 2008 at 13:45 UTC

    Rhymes with pride and pie. That's your name right there.

    Perl Integrated Development Environment.

    You don't have to buy me anything. I just want credit for helping to come up with the name in tiny little letters somewhere far far away deep in the cvs repo..

      pide is the turkish name for pita or flatbread. May I add a variant to your proposal:

      PIE - Perl Integrated Environment

      Doesn't this sound yummy & snappy? ;-)

Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by talexb (Chancellor) on Jul 19, 2008 at 03:52 UTC

    Perl Application Refactoring and Development Environment -- PARADE.

    Though I'm not sure I'd user it -- I love gvim (with syntax colouring) and xterm windows, and don't think I need a completely new tool. But I look forward to seeing it.

    Alex / talexb / Toronto

    "Groklaw is the open-source mentality applied to legal research" ~ Linus Torvalds

Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by TGI (Parson) on Jul 18, 2008 at 18:46 UTC

    PILE - Perl Integrated Language/Legerdemain Environment or something. Then you could call any plugins: Pile Drivers.

    Pile - it means all sorts of strange unrelated things.

    TGI says moo

Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by bibliophile (Prior) on Jul 18, 2008 at 14:27 UTC
    iPED - integrated Perl Environment for Development the risk of facing down Apple's lawyers :-)

      Make it a Better one, and call it BiPED :)
      Bactrian integrated Perl Environment for Development?


Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by jds17 (Pilgrim) on Jul 18, 2008 at 19:36 UTC
    How about:

    EXPERT - EXtendible PERl ediTor


    POET - Perl Open EdiT


Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by holli (Abbot) on Jul 26, 2008 at 20:07 UTC
    Did you know that our brother sir_lichtkind is developing Kephra? Maybe you want to join in and help instead of starting from scratch?

    holli, /regexed monk/
      yeah, I know. I even have some commits on that project but I felt that I cannot support the needs for backword compability for the sake of the current user base and have a good progress.

      Besides, I wanted to have my own precious :-)

Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by GrandFather (Saint) on Jul 18, 2008 at 12:55 UTC

    Perler - in Oz and NZ 'Perler' is an exclamation of joy at a good outcome or good idea.

    Perl is environmentally friendly - it saves trees
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by davies (Monsignor) on Jul 22, 2008 at 17:09 UTC
    There's a danger of falling foul of 2.0'Reilly if you use a camel-related name. Since an onion is the official emblem of Perl, what about Shallot? This will enable you to say, when you cease responding to feature requests, "That's Shallot".

    Cue groans.

    If you haven't yet realised it, it's a very bad idea to ask for software names anywhere I might read it, as witness the following:
    Perl Integrated Environment - Everything You Ever Desired
    Perl Integrated Software System Enabling Development
    Perl Users' Keyboard Environment

    Ah well, I didn't really want a ticket to YAPC Antarctica, anyway :-)

    Have fun,

    John Davies
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by mr_mischief (Monsignor) on Jul 22, 2008 at 19:22 UTC
    Oh, I like coming up with project names. Explanations and possible acronyms in parentheses...

    Onion themed:

    • Peel (Perl Editor and Environment, Linked)
    • Bloom (as in blooming onion, but it has a note of "becoming" in it as in a bloom on an actual flower)
    • Rings
    • Tears (The Editing And Refactoring System)
    • Vidalia (the sweet onion!)
    • Walla Walla (the other sweet onion)
    • Soup
    • Mushrooms (go great with onions)
    • Peppers (these do too)
    • Liver (Language In(ter?)dependent Visual Editing Resource?)
    • Straws

    Pearl themed:

    • Diver or Perl Diver (Developer's Integrated Visual Editing Resource or Developer's Integrated Visual Environment and Resource)
    • Price (the Perl of Great Price... Perl Resource for Integrated Coding and Editing)
    • Accretion
    • Necklace
    • Strand
    • Wisdom

    Camel themed:

    • Hump(s)
    • Desert (it's a camel's natural environment)
    • Stubborn (probably not a good virtue for an IDE, but used jokingly it might work)
    • Caravan
    • Tail (it's what a camel uses to swat at bugs)
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by hangon (Deacon) on Jul 19, 2008 at 07:57 UTC

    For some reason I had a vision of the Perl logo when reading this post. So how about:

    The Onion Peeler

    Then if you must have an acronym, there's "TOP"

      yeah, I was also trying to find some device that is used for Onion cooking or processing in general but I kept falling back to the image of garlic - which is a kind of onion.

      At least in Hungarian.

      That just sets one up for highly intangible expectations (mostly due to the "peeler" part).
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by Burak (Chaplain) on Jul 19, 2008 at 09:25 UTC
    DevE :) Turkish for "Camel" (Deve) and can be used for "Development Environment" I guess :)
      I like that, but maybe also

      Teve - Hungarian

      Gamal - Hebrew
      Jamal - Arabic

Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by Tanktalus (Canon) on Jul 18, 2008 at 14:32 UTC

    I'd go with "Lama". It's an obvious play on the the Llama book, with the emphasis on the teacher, or guru aspect.

Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by massa (Hermit) on Jul 18, 2008 at 16:10 UTC
    []s, HTH, Massa
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by explorer (Chaplain) on Jul 18, 2008 at 16:38 UTC


    (eclipse reminiscence :-)

Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by jarich (Curate) on Jul 25, 2008 at 02:54 UTC

    Some off the top of my head suggestions.

    • layer (onions have layers - so do ogres - so does Perl).
    • perl maker (doesn't everything have to come down to pm? perl monks, perl mongers, perl module...)
    • pearl (just to confuse people)
    • open perl
    • pesto (no good reason, it just sounds cool)
    • pronto (no good reason, it just sounds cool)
    • Nonae (which is dumb because only calendar geeks will get it)
      If it's called Pesto it should be based on pico. After all, pesto is made from Pine nuts!

        I personally believe that as an italian guy I should confirm that the name is very appealing! Just to pinpoint a detail though: pine nuts are a fundamental ingredient of pesto, but just not the main one. Of course we may use nano as a base for szabgab's IDE, which would bring us to... nesto? No, I don't think so, since it's horrible. OTOH serendipitously it suggests me of nest, which IMHO is fine albeit not Perl-related in any way I can think of. A nest, in fact, conveys the idea of (a nice and warm) environment. There only remains to find a suitable backronym for it, or not?

        Well, how 'bout a self-recursive one: "Nest: Enhanced Sourcecode T..." D'Oh, I can't think of a suitable word beginning with T!

        If you can't understand the incipit, then please check the IPB Campaign.
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by martin (Friar) on Jul 27, 2008 at 12:02 UTC
    • drop - Developer's Resource Optimizer for Perl (also, a drop can be small and shiny while maybe just a little less stable than a pearl)
    • tinkle - Toolbox-INtegrated Kit for Large-scale Editing (also, the sound of pearls in one's hand)
    • poose - Perl Object Oriented Sourcecode Editor (also, rhymes with Moose, alliterates with Perl and reminds of papoose - little baby)
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by InfiniteLoop (Hermit) on Jul 22, 2008 at 16:07 UTC
    I would name the IDE with some camelid name, for obvious reasons. Here are some of them:
    • Dromedary IDE
    • Vicuna
    • Guanaco
    Also since Camels are associated with desert, one could use:
    • Oasis IDE
    sort of a place where all perl development comes to.
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by marcussen (Pilgrim) on Jul 21, 2008 at 02:44 UTC

    Here are mine:

    • Cama
    • JAPE - (Just another perl editor)

    Confucius says kill mosquito unless cannon
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by JavaFan (Canon) on Jul 22, 2008 at 13:09 UTC
    IWAN: IDE without a name.
    ni: Nameless IDE. (Looks like 'vi', and has a nerdy Python reference)
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by blazar (Canon) on Aug 03, 2008 at 09:02 UTC
    Padre released

    I personally believe that it's too bad that the quest is over. Especially because I did dare to suggest some ideas of mine, but only in reply to other comments. (I presume I should just blame myself for being so slow...) So, however moot it may seem, here I am with my "main" post-mortem suggestion - perhaps it may turn out useful for some future project: there have been a YAPE and a JAPE. But then, how about simply APE? (Three letters names are the best ones, IMHO!) For: "A Perl Editor." Or with the "A" standing for "Another." Or again, the one I like most - in a recursive fashion: "Ape: Perl Editor."

    If you can't understand the incipit, then please check the IPB Campaign.
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 18, 2008 at 18:41 UTC

    Could you give more details on the IDE, szabgab? Do you have a link to a project page? That would answer some questions like, is it text mode or a GUI (and if so, what toolkit), what are the goals of the project, what distribution license, etc.

      Once I have a name, I'll have a page :-)
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 23, 2008 at 14:25 UTC

    Difficult to beat rhesa's suggestion, though I'd probably go with "Biped" instead of some alternative capitalization (even though you could argue it's an acronym).

    By the way, my vote is for GTK+ over Wx. I think you'll have more community support going with GTK. It'll also be easier to install (I think) for many GNU/Linux users.

Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by Pancho (Pilgrim) on Jul 23, 2008 at 15:19 UTC
    I suggest calling it mother.
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by husker (Chaplain) on Jul 23, 2008 at 20:30 UTC
    Jade (just another Dev Enviro).

    yes, similar to YADE, but Jade sounds sexier. :)

      Reminds me of jed (noticed titles posted in comp.editors newsgroup while reading (n)vi(m) posts).

        I personally believe that it has also been frequently mentioned by... me as well! (Actually, now that I check, it's been only twice, but then a whole bunch of other times over at clpmisc.)

        If you can't understand the incipit, then please check the IPB Campaign.

      Probably too easily-confused with this jade though.

        Ah, so that is why I could not find anything about "jade" the editor but the name seemed familiar (as a dependency of some text processing port(s) in FreeBSD Ports).

      I personally believe that in addition to what anonymonk pointed out, Jade is also a SGML tool. Thus -unfortunately- as a name it's already overloaded enough.

      If you can't understand the incipit, then please check the IPB Campaign.
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by hossman (Prior) on Jul 18, 2008 at 17:12 UTC






Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by pileofrogs (Priest) on Jul 18, 2008 at 18:51 UTC

    Have you considered the possibilities inherent in naming your aformentioned product:

    Der IDE What U Use Wif Perl


    --Pileofrogs (Where bad ideas come first)

Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 26, 2008 at 07:46 UTC
    Oyster Bed - grow some perl
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by SankoR (Prior) on Jul 26, 2008 at 14:15 UTC
    How 'bout 'Martyr'? Which builds on PM's theme. You know, the quickest way to reach sainthood is… or "Code smarter. Code martyr." Yeeeaaaahhh, looks like I'll be buying my own books; oh, well…
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by whakka (Hermit) on Jul 22, 2008 at 06:28 UTC
    pft - perl for text :P
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 26, 2008 at 07:42 UTC
    PICE - Perl Integrated Cultivating Enviroment
      or even SPICE: the Sexy Perl Cultivating Environment. Add "sexy" to anything and people will want it.
        bow chicka bow bow
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by beryan (Scribe) on Jul 21, 2008 at 20:04 UTC
    You know what it is for.
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by EvanK (Chaplain) on Jul 21, 2008 at 20:14 UTC
    Perl Unit Development. It may not make total syntactic sense, but when someone asks you what you're doing, you can say that you're pounding your P.U.D.

    ...Maturity? What's that?

    Systems development is like banging your head against a wall...
    It's usually very painful, but if you're persistent, you'll get through it.

Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 18, 2008 at 10:20 UTC
    SZABGAB's Oyster Farm
    SZABGAB's Perl Cultivator
    Pinctada Perl Integrated Cool Tada ...
Re: Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
by stonebrad (Initiate) on Jul 20, 2008 at 23:47 UTC
    My suggestions are not based on any acronyms related to Perl, Perl Editors, IDE or anything like that.

    Just nice barewords:


    Hope they sound like a good Perl IDE.
    "Hey, did you try Unlojitop for Perl?"
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