I'm fairly new Perl so any help on working this out is awesome.
The application I'm working on is based on catalyst MVC architecture. My Postgresql table looks like this:
zip_code CHAR(5) NOT NULL,
zip_type CHAR(1),
city_name VARCHAR(64),
city_type CHAR(1),
state_name VARCHAR(64),
state_abbr CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
area_code CHAR(3),
latitude NUMERIC(9,6) NOT NULL,
longitude NUMERIC(9,6) NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX zip_codes ON zips (zip_code);
CREATE INDEX state_abbrs ON zips (state_abbr);
CREATE INDEX city_names ON zips USING btree (city_name);
CREATE TABLE distance_cache (
orig_zip CHAR(5) NOT NULL,
dest_zip CHAR(5) NOT NULL,
My search by zipcode is working great and turning out the results I need. Searching by city and state however, is not working. This started not working when I had to create a backup of zips called zips_backup because I corrupted the zips table. I changed a perl module to pull from zips_backup . As far as I can tell, this one module is the only thing that was changed but some insight would be great.
I can supply any files that one would need.
Thank you in advance - I look forward to learning whats going on with this.
Here is the module I'm referring to:
package WeilMclainDB::Zips;
use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
__PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/);
__PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/zip_code zip_type city_name city_type stat
+e_name state_abbr area_code latitude longitude/);
package WeilMclainDB::ZipsResultSet;
use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
use Geo::Distance;
sub get_zip {
my ($self, $city, $state) = @_;
#return undef unless ($city && $state =~ /^(\d*)$/);
if (my $zip = $self->single({city_name => uc($city),state_abbr=>uc
+($state)},{columns => [qw/zip_code/]})) {
return $zip->get_column('zip_code');
return undef;
return $self->single({city_name=>uc($city),state_abbr=>uc($state)}
sub get_closest {
my ($self, $zip_code, $miles) = @_;
# First get the latitude and longititude for the given zip code
if (my $zip = $self->single({zip_code => $zip_code})) {
my $geo = Geo::Distance->new;
my $locations = $geo->closest(
dbh => $self->result_source->storage->dbh,
table => 'zips',
lon => $zip->longitude,
lat => $zip->latitude,
unit => 'mile',
distance => $miles,
lon_field => 'longitude',
lat_field => 'latitude',
'sort' => 1,
fields => [qw/zip_code/],
my @zips;
foreach my $result (@{$locations}) {
push (@zips, $result->{zip_code});
return \@zips;
else {
return undef;