Well... it does keep the files neater. I think that I
would prefer making an import mechanism. Most things that
are filed-in probably aren't already in nice little packages.
Hmmm... import/export would work, but if there's
no real reason to use END METHOD and the like (there seems
to be a direct perl equvalent for each of your new keywords)
it might make more sense to do away with the .goe format and
just spit Perl out the back end. This would make the
edit-test-edit cycle a bit easier, as you wouldn't have to
convert .goe to pure Perl before doing anything with it
outside the browser.
Then again, the way I have it is still sort of there so
that I can see the source code. In theory they should
all be stored in a more-binary like image file(s).
Would a Smalltalk-style binary image really provide any
benefit here?
For instance, someone putting "END METHOD" in their method
would be bad :)
If the need is there for special delimiters, one possibility would be to place them
in a comment line. Something like:
might work particularly well, as you can check for the special
comment characters as well as the specific tag, reducing the chance
of false hits.
Plus it's fairly nonintrusive,
so you might be able to convince a module maintainer to accept
patches that make their CPAN module compatible with your
browser. =)