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(jptxs) Re: A little problem

by jptxs (Curate)
on Apr 08, 2001 at 18:59 UTC ( [id://70839]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to A little problem

I voted this down, which I hardly ever do. I did it b/c even after being chided for it so many times on your last post you still used such a generic and meaningless title on this one. titles like this just pollute the waters for people who are searching or trying to find something specific in the monastery. that's why people have asked you use titles closer to the meaning of your question. it's not just some random preference some people have - in case you think you're being persecuted by a silly idea. it's just trying to keep the monastery orderly and clean.

UPDATE: wow. I only just noticed:

Please, when naming your nodes, think of the content and title them according to that. like:
  • problem getting 3rd line of file
  • $_ not set correctly in for loop
  • use my or local in sub?
you get the idea. it will really help out if you do.
"A man's maturity -- consists in having found again the seriousness one had as a child, at play." --Nietzsche

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