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An index to The Perl Journal articles on Dr. Dobbs

by brian_d_foy (Abbot)
on Sep 16, 2008 at 04:50 UTC ( [id://711609]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Updated September 6, 2010 for the latest Dr. Dobbs URL mapping. I also found several more articles.

I answered a question over at StackOverflow about finding old TPJ articles. I'm not sure why the guy wasn't searching for TPJ, but that's what I did to get this list of results. With a little scraping, now you have an index of the articles on Dr. Dobbs that were published under The Perl Journal. They even have some of the PDF files available. This covers the period after TPJ was part of SysAdmin and after they tried publishing the issues as PDF only. Huh, I was the last person to publish an article in TPJ. Go figure.

I haven't verified this for completeness, so if you find missing articles, just send me the link.


Put together by broomduster

brian d foy <>
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  • Comment on An index to The Perl Journal articles on Dr. Dobbs

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Re: An index to The Perl Journal articles on Dr. Dobbs
by petdance (Parson) on Sep 18, 2008 at 05:52 UTC
    Very nice. Thanks for putting it together.


      i couldnt get the pages by following your links on this page. how can i get them?
        i couldnt get the pages by following your links on this page. how can i get them?

        Well, at least half of them work, the ones using / or /web-development/

        The non working ones use /web_development/

        You can remove "/web_development" or that part, or change it to /web-development.

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