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Re: Global Variable

by oko1 (Deacon)
on Sep 22, 2008 at 14:46 UTC ( [id://713032]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Global Variable

Ignoring, for the moment, your misuse of "system" (please do follow Corion's advice - it's dead on target), you could do it this way (a.k.a. "crude but effective"):

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # This is file1 my $error = 10; print "$error.\n";
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # This is file2 print "Before: "; # Run the first script do "file1"; my $new_error_value = 20; @ARGV = "file1"; { local $^I = ""; # Enable in-place editing while (<>){ s/(\$error\s*=\s*)\d+/$1$new_error_value/; print; } } print "After: "; # Run the first script do "file1";

Or, if you really insist on using "system":

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # This is file2 print "Before: "; # Run the first script do "file1"; system "/usr/bin/perl", qw{-i -wpe s/(\$error\s*=\s*)\d+/${1}20/ file1 +}; print "After: "; # Run the first script do "file1";

Update: Tweaked regex to remove unnecessary parens (just because I'm picky like that. ;)

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